Wichtiger Hinweis
Jobcenter: Assumption of relocation and housing procurement costs
Stand: 24.06.2024
If your move has already been approved by the Erlangen Jobcenter, you may also be entitled to further benefits for your move. Please follow the instructions on this page.
If you want to move and incur costs as part of your move, you must apply to the Jobcenter in advance to avoid negative economic consequences. Expenses relating to the move can only be covered if the move is necessary and the costs are necessary and reasonable. If you do not apply for the costs to be covered in advance, the Jobcenter is not obliged to cover other expenses.
Questions and answers
A move may be necessary for various reasons, for example due to
- taking up employment or training
- Reduction in accommodation costs, as the current rent exceeds the upper rent limit
- Family reasons, e.g. due to a new addition to the family, separation, need to care for relatives
- A young adult moves out
- health restrictions or disability
- imminent eviction from the apartment, e.g. notice of termination/eviction by the landlord
Other reasons are possible. In this case, you must give good reasons for your wish to move.
In principle, you must carry out the move yourself. You can, for example, apply for the costs of hiring a transporter or a lump sum for your private helpers. For helpers, the minimum wage may be granted on an hourly basis. Alternatively, it is possible that meals can be granted. If you are unable to manage the move on your own due to your life situation, for example because of age, health or a disability, a removal company can also be paid in justified exceptional cases.
If you move to Erlangen, you must contact the job center of your former place of residence for relocation costs. If you are moving away from Erlangen or within Erlangen, you must contact the Erlangen Jobcenter.
Documents required for relocation costs:
- Written justification of the necessity of the move
- if you need a van or a car:
- 2-3 comparable cost estimates/quotes from car rental companies
- Justification of why you need a vehicle for your move
- if you have help from your environment:
- before the move: exact list of who is likely to help you, when and for how long
- after the move: a confirmation signed by the helpers of the actual hours worked by the helpers
- if you would like to hire a removal company:
- 2 -3 comparable cost estimates/quotes from removal companies
- Reasons why you cannot carry out the move yourself or with private assistance and, if necessary, evidence of this, e.g. medical certificates
If a deposit or cooperative shares are required for the new apartment, you can apply for the Jobcenter to lend you the money (rent deposit loan). This only applies if you have been approved for the costs of accommodation and have submitted a certificate of necessity for the move from the Jobcenter previously responsible.
For a rent deposit loan, you must contact the Jobcenter responsible for your new place of residence.
Documents required for rent deposit loans:
- Written justification of the need to move
- Fully completed and signed application for a loan
- Proof of the current status of all assets, e.g. bank statements
- written statement explaining why the current rental deposit cannot be offset against the new rental deposit.
- Fully completed and signed direct payment application for the rent deposit so that the Jobcenter can transfer the rent deposit directly to the landlord on your behalf
- Proof of the amount of the rental deposit due, e.g. rental agreement
If furnishings, so-called initial furnishings, are required to move into the apartment, you must submit an application in advance so that the assumption of the initial furnishings can be checked. Please note that initial furnishings can only be granted if you do not already have the items. You must give priority to moving items that you already have. If you need to replace an item, for example because it has broken, a loan to cover the costs, a replacement purchase, can be considered.
You must contact the Jobcenter responsible for your new place of residence for initial furnishing.
Documents required for initial furnishing:
- Written justification of the necessity of the move
- Informal list of the items you need
- Important information: Type of items, number, rooms in which they are needed
- Reasons why you need these items for the first time and do not have them
You must always move in such a way that you do not have to pay two rents at the same time. Please note that, as a rule, only the costs of a double rent for one month can be covered. Up to two further double rents can only be considered in justified exceptional cases. It is essential that you observe the notice period of your current rental agreement!
Documents required for double rents:
- Written justification of the necessity of the move
- Informal application for acceptance of the double rent
- written statement of when, why and how many double rents are required
- Proof of the amount of double rent due, especially for incomplete months
Citizen's income
Personal appointments without an appointment are currently not possible. However, you can make an appointment via the hotline.
Hotline: +(49) 09131 / 86 - 2444
Hotline availability:
Monday: 13:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.