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JUST Best - JUGEND STÄRKEN - Bridges to independence

Stand: 26.06.2024

Individual support for young people.

The "MyWay" project is funded as part of the "JUGEND STÄRKEN: Brücken in die Eigenständigkeit" program by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and by the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).

Funded by:

JUGEND STÄRKEN - Brücken in die Eigenständigkeit helps young people between the ages of 14 and 26. They receive confidential, free and voluntary advice on personal and social problems. The focus is on their professional development and independence.

From mid-2022 to 2027, the YOUTH STRENGTHEN: "Bridges to Independence" program will support local authorities in initiating services for young people and young adults on the threshold of independence with special support needs. Local youth welfare services manage and coordinate the project. It works with independent youth welfare providers, job centers, employment agencies and other cooperation partners across legal districts.


JUGEND STÄRKEN: "Brücken in die Eigenständigkeit" aims to support young people and young adults in their personal development and on their way to leading an independent life.

Talking helps!

We are experienced advisors who take time for you, listen to you, answer questions and advise you. We will work with you to find solutions to the crisis - confidentially, competently and free of charge. We can also support you over several months and years.

What is it all about?

It's about helping you to lead a self-determined and independent life and to find the right solutions for you.

Who can get help?

You are at least 14 and no older than 26. You have no idea how to lead your life independently.

How it works

  • We work confidentially
  • We listen to you
  • we accompany you
  • we are there for you

You get

  • information
  • advice
  • Accompaniment to offices and authorities
  • Help in finding out which profession suits you best
  • Support with applications for training and work

and much more.

Counseling topics and services

  • School-leaving qualifications / school career issues
  • Paths after school
  • Dropping out (school, training)
  • Graduation (training)
  • Initial training, career entry
  • Internship
  • Professional (re)orientation
  • Professional re-entry / lateral entry
  • Further education (general, vocational)
  • Second-chance education (catching up on school-leaving qualifications)
  • Job application / job fairs
  • Skills assessment / development

Working with us is confidential, voluntary and free of charge.

For further information, please contact the following.

General number: 09131 / 9200 4777
Fax: 09131 / 9200 - 4799
Email: jugend-staerken.myway@stadt.erlangen.de

Thomas Dade
Phone: 09131 / 86 - 4218
E-mail: thomas.dade@stadt.erlangen.de

Corina Rössler
Phone: 09131 / 86 - 4217
E-Mail: corina.roessler@stadt.erlangen.de

Kirstin Borchert
Phone: 09131 / 86 - 4215
E-Mail: kirstin.borchert@stadt.erlangen.de

Jörg Schaub
Phone: 09131 / 86 - 4227
E-Mail: joerg.schaub@stadt.erlangen.de

Bettina Richter
E-Mail: bettina.richter@stadt.erlangen.de


Measures and projects to promote employment


Alfred-Wegener-Straße 11
91052 Erlangen


Personal appointments without an appointment are currently not possible. However, you can make an appointment by telephone.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 15:00
Friday: 09:00 to 12:00