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Kindergarten Von-Buol-Straße - St. Theresia

Stand: 28.05.2024

The St. Theresia kindergarten in Von-Buol-Straße is home to two groups of children.

Age of children in care: 3 to 6
Responsible body: St. Theresia Catholic Church Foundation

About the facility

The kindergarten is located in a quiet residential area near a forest with a large playground.

We are a two-group all-day kindergarten with lunchtime supervision. There are two different care times and flexible pick-up times.

Visit us on our homepage.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 7:15 to 17:00
Friday from 7:15 to 15:30

Contact us at

Von-Buol-Straße 17
91054 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 56969