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German Child Protection Association Erlangen e.V.

Stand: 28.05.2024

The range of services offered by the German Child Protection Association is diverse and includes services such as: Strong Parents - Strong Children, Child and Youth Helpline, Accompanied Contact, Safe-Strong-Free Violence Prevention Program, Emergency Fund, ELTERNTALK and Parent Helpline as well as the Midwife Center.

For 45 years, the Kinderschutzbund has been campaigning for the rights of children and young people, is a point of contact for families, supports all partners involved in education on a non-partisan and non-denominational basis and is involved in local political decisions. Many volunteers and full-time staff make a wide-ranging program possible, supported by members and many committed partners.

Counseling topics and services

  • Parent / family education
  • Parenting courses / Strong parents - strong children
  • Lectures
  • Babysitter training
  • PEKiP courses
  • Music garden
  • Psychological parenting counseling,
  • Marte Meo specialist advice
  • Violence prevention and media skills in schools

Further information and contact:

Erlangen Child Protection Association