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Allotment garden concept - Gardening in Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

The city of Erlangen is one of the growing cities in Germany. As a result, the demand for garden spaces is also increasing. The needs, ideas and motives for the use of spaces, raised beds or temporary use of fallow land are very different. Urban gardens, neighborhood gardens, tenant gardens, field gardens, intercultural gardens, inclusion gardens, gardens suitable for senior citizens - all these forms can complement the classic allotment garden sites and some ideas have already been implemented in Erlangen.

The increased demand for garden land in recent years is currently not matched by sufficient supply. The corona pandemic in particular has further increased the value of easily accessible open spaces for recreation and outdoor activities in recent summers.

The city of Erlangen wants to meet the growing and also very diverse needs of its citizens for space for recreation and gardening activities.

Against this background, the administration is developing a new "Allotment garden concept - gardening in Erlangen" for the city together with an external expert office.

We are involving representatives from the allotment garden associations as well as committed interested parties from various initiatives in the development of the concept and will also enter into discussions with housing associations. The aim is to look at many other possibilities for urban gardening in addition to the traditional allotment garden sites.

Department of Urban Planning


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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