Wichtiger Hinweis
Shaping the future of climate action: The participants
Stand: 28.05.2024
From March to July 2022, two groups worked on the catalog of measures that shows Erlangen the concrete path to climate neutrality: The Citizens' Council and the Stakeholder Group. The "Climate Awakening Roadmap" was developed in several meetings and with the support of experts.
Helping to shape an unknown climate future is an unprecedented challenge - and opportunity at the same time:
For example, the groups looked at the feasibility of the measures from a social, environmental and financial perspective. The different perspectives and interests provided considerable material for discussion, which is precisely why they were so important. Only because they were able to be discussed and negotiated was Erlangen able to arrive at consensual and thus workable solutions to the climate problem.
*Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg (ifeu) and sustainability consultancy Green City Experience
The two committees of the Climate Action Roadmap
The council of 25 Erlangen residents should bring the different perspectives and wishes of the population into the process. It is therefore important that they reflect their city as well as possible: To this end, 750 citizens were initially selected according to demographic criteria. The response to the invitation to participate was overwhelming. The Citizens' Council was filled in such a way that it reflects the diversity of "Erlangen in Klein".
The Erlangen Citizens' Council:
- was made up of 13 women and 12 men
- had an age range from 18 to 87 years
- had the following number in age groups: 5* (under 21 years), 5* (21-30 years), 5 (31-45 years), 6 (46-65 years), 4 (over 65 years)
- came from 4 districts and 21 neighborhoods
- consisted of 20 people with German citizenship and 5 with other citizenship
* One more place each than demographically envisaged, because climate change primarily affects their future
Around 35 stakeholders from key areas relevant to climate protection in Erlangen: A unique line-up of representatives from business, city administration, municipal companies, agriculture, educational institutions, clubs, associations and initiatives.
Educational institutions, associations and initiatives
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Student representation: Department for Ecology and Sustainability
- ADFC/Radentscheid (resigned at own request)
- State Association for the Protection of Birds in Bavaria/Bund Naturschutz
- Energy transition ER(H)langen/Climate decision ERlangen
- Fridays for Future
- House & landowners association
- Climate Camp
- Erlangen Sustainability Council
City administration
- Mayor of Erlangen
- Equal Opportunities Officer
- Department of Economics and Finance (II)
- Department for Planning and Building (VI)
- Office for Facility Management
- Office for Urban Planning and Mobility
- Department for Mobility Planning
- Civil Engineering Department
- Department for Climate Protection (VII)
- Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues
Companies, associations and interest groups
- Bavarian Farmers' Association
- Works Council Siemens Healthcare
- DGB (German Trade Union Federation)
- GEWOBAU Erlangen
- IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
- District craftsmen's association
- Mauss-Bau
- Siemens AG
- Siemens Energy
- Siemens Healthineers
- ESTW (Erlangen municipal utilities)
- University Hospital Erlangen
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