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Frankenhof Culture and Education Campus - KuBiC

Stand: 28.05.2024

Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC).

Our goal

The KuBiC will become an attractive conference and seminar venue in the heart of the city with an integrated guest house and catering area. Clubs and groups will have new rooms. The KuBiC will thus become a meeting place that invites people to take part in their own activities and experiment. Inviting, inspiring and open: Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC).

The listed building (the former Frankenhof) is being completely renovated and extended along the southern Stadtmauerstraße.

The service office, the rooms for groups and clubs, the youth art school and the large event areas on the first floor will be directly accessible via an open foyer with catering facilities. Administration and guest rooms are located in the tower, with the music school, dFi and vhs on the upper floor.

The music school's rehearsal rooms, kitchen, storage and ancillary rooms are located in the basement. There are also workrooms for the youth art school and workrooms for the vhs. In the western part of the inner courtyard, a further large event hall for around 250 visitors will be created. On the eastern part of the site, a new three-storey wing with a basement is being built for a children's daycare facility.

The green area around the KuBiC Frankenhof will also be upgraded as part of the refurbishment. However, most of the old trees in the outdoor area will be retained.

Completion is scheduled for 2024.

Here: Contact and more information

Overview: Time horizon

City council resolution

Feasibility study

Preliminary design planning

Competition results
Budget planning 2022: On January 13, 2022, the Erlangen City Council approved the 2022 budget by 27 votes to 20. In April, the government of Middle Franconia, the responsible supervisory authority, approved the budget. 4.8 million euros are to be invested in the Frankenhof cultural and educational campus.

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