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kubic: Rental of premises from 2026

Stand: 07.02.2025

Inviting, inspiring and open: the Frankenhof Culture and Education Campus (kuBiC) can be used from January 2026.

Baustelle im Innenraum des Saals. From January 2026, attractive rooms will be available for Erlangen cultural associations, initiatives, self-help groups and club meetings at the kubic Frankenhof cultural and educational campus (Südliche Stadtmauerstraße).

In addition to five group rooms, there are also three seminar rooms, a club kitchen for shared use, a coworking space, a multifunctional outdoor area and the new kubic bistro with a daily lunch menu.

Which rooms are available and how they are equipped can be viewed via the city administration's room database on the Internet (at https://stadt teilarbeit-erlangen.de/raeume-mieten). The rooms are available free of charge for regular, non-commercial use. The rental period is initially for two years with the possibility of extension.

Baustelle kubic. From mid-March, regular guided tours will be offered by the Office for District Work. There you can get detailed information about the available rooms. The next tour will take place on Saturday, March 15, at 10:00 am. Registration is required. Further information about the rooms and registration for the guided tour can be found online at https://stadtteilarbeit-erlangen.de/kubic.

Photo: City of Erlangen kubic

The path - from Frankenhof to kubic

City model Kubic Frankenhof.
Building project, Currently being implemented

Frankenhof Culture and Education Campus - KuBiC

Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC).

Two yellow cranes in front of a blue sky.

Realization and ideas competition for the KuBiC / CEG quarter

Review and outlook on the development and reorganization of the neighbourhood

Office for district work

Head of office: Stephan Beck

The Office for District Work includes district centers, youth clubs, playgrounds, leisure centers, cultural promotion and the Cultural and Educational Campus department.


Stintzingstraße 46
91052 Erlangen


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