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State-wide counseling and research center for giftedness

Stand: 28.05.2024

Intelligence diagnostics for children and adults, diagnostics of basic learning skills for adolescents, training and individual counseling for children and adolescents at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

The South German Talent Support Centre (LBFH) was established by Prof. Dr. Dr. Albert Ziegler at the Chair of Educational Psychology and Excellence Research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2012. Under the name South German Talent Center, the LBFH represents southern Germany in the European Talent Support Network (ETSN), to which over 300 Talent Points in Europe are affiliated. The LBFH uses a systemic, resource-oriented consulting approach that is highly regarded in the professional world.

Counseling topics and services

  • (Early) childhood education / support
  • Learning difficulties
  • School-leaving qualifications / school career issues
  • Paths after school
  • Individual support for children and young people

Further information and contact: