Wichtiger Hinweis
Integration mission statement
Stand: 28.05.2024
Guiding principles for municipal action in the city of Erlangen.
The integration mission statement was developed in a participatory process with broad social participation in 2006 and unanimously adopted by the city council in 2007. Ten years later, in 2017, it was updated once again.
The mission statement expresses the fact that integration is one of the central tasks of the city of Erlangen and affects all areas of municipal action.
Integration mission statement
"Humanity would achieve more if, instead of praising equality, it called for respect for the miracle of diversity."
Hans Kasper (1962), German writer
Dear people ofErlangen, the topic of integration has been more topical than ever since 2015. Immigration presents Germany with a social, humanitarian and moral challenge. A large number of migrants with different cultures, histories and social backgrounds have come to Germany. Erlangen has taken in over 2,000 new immigrants in the course of these events. Integrating them will be our common task in the coming years. As new members of the urban community, many are now contributing to the functioning of city life - be it in working life, in voluntary work or as cultural mediators.
Our work is guided by Article 1 of the German Basic Law, which states that human dignity is inviolable. We are committed to ensuring that dignity is upheld in all areas of life and society. From education to participation, from equality to anti-discrimination and inclusion: the goal is integration into Erlangen society without giving up one's own identity. This is not easy, but it is achievable.
The motto of the integration mission statement is "Integration - mastering the future together". We need it as a basis for overcoming the challenges ahead, but also for seizing the opportunities.
This is why Erlangen has joined the Council of Europe's 'intercultural cities' program. This was an opportunity to further develop the positive approaches into an internationally recognized concept. The program pursues the idea of seeing integration and diversity as a resource, opportunity and strength of a society. In this way, we want to position ourselves for successful (refugee) integration in the long term. We want to ensure that everyone can participate in the opportunities offered by an open society.
We want to proactively shape integration, promote cross-cultural dialog and counteract cultural coexistence. Encounters and an understanding of different cultures are very important here. This means that integration is a task for society as a whole. This is the only way to strengthen social cohesion and turn diversity into an opportunity.
Erlangen has always been rich in people of different nationalities and cultures and is committed to the motto "Open by tradition". For this reason, the second Bavarian Foreigners' Advisory Council was established in 1974 to give foreigners living here institutionalized representation.
Integration is an ongoing process and there are always areas that can be optimized. We want to tackle these together in order to promote our coexistence and create a friendly atmosphere. In this way, Erlangen will remain what it was and is: a diverse, lively city that has room for everyone who considers themselves to be from Erlangen.
Dr. Florian Janik
Lord Mayor
Dr. Elisabeth Preuß
The history of Erlangen proves that integration can succeed. It shows us the enrichment that comes from people of different origins living together. Three immigration eras stand out in retrospect:
- After centuries of village history, Erlangen suddenly became a city when Protestant religious refugees from France settled here from 1686. Because the immigrants initially made up the majority of citizens, it took over a hundred years for the population groups to grow together.
- After the Second World War, Erlangen, which had hardly been destroyed, took in displaced persons and refugees from the former German eastern territories. The fact that the newly created industrial location needed workers made integration much easier.
- An unusually large proportion of the foreign citizens who came to Erlangen from the 1960s onwards were academics and skilled workers. Their education and language skills made it easier for them to settle in.
- Since 2013, immigration to Erlangen has been increasing again. On the one hand in the refugee sector, but immigration in the context of European freedom of movement has also increased steadily in these years. This development is likely to shape integration work in the coming years and decades.
In many cases, neighborliness has turned into friendship. Guests have become fellow citizens and locals.
Today, we are facing new challenges. The city of Erlangen is convinced that integration is a two-way process between immigrants and locals that benefits everyone involved. The receiving society first offers hospitality and then a home. In return, the newcomers contribute their diverse gifts, experiences and values.
The city of Erlangen is determined to add another chapter to the city's history of successful integration of people of different origins, languages and religions. With the integration mission statement, the city of Erlangen is committed to following its motto "Open by tradition", even in the changed situation.
- Integration is one of Erlangen's central municipal policy tasks. The peaceful coexistence of people from different backgrounds characterizes the self-image of our city.
- Integration is seen as a cross-sectional task that affects all areas of municipal activity. The mission statement forms the basis of the work of all departments and offices of the city as well as the municipal companies.
- Active public relations work is an important component of municipal integration policy.
- The City of Erlangen strives to increase the employment of employees with a migration background in its administration and municipal companies in order to set an example as an employer. Multilingualism and intercultural competence are considered key qualifications for employees.
- The City of Erlangen supports associations, clubs and initiatives in integrative and intercultural measures and activities within the scope of its financial possibilities.
- Integration is based on people's life situation and not on ethnic characteristics or nationality. The reciprocal process of integration includes all migrants who live in Erlangen - regardless of how long they have lived here.
- Migrants living in Erlangen can participate equally in all municipal services and facilities. The City of Erlangen is committed to intercultural openness in its planning and measures. Where necessary, existing services are modified and supplemented to suit the target group.
- The City of Erlangen actively involves as many social groups as possible in the integration process and promotes their networking. Civic engagement in the area of integrative measures is also promoted.
- The City of Erlangen sees itself as a moderator when coexistence creates problems and conflicts with intercultural causes or consequences.
- The City of Erlangen resolutely opposes all forms of racism and discrimination. Within the framework of the applicable laws and individual rights, it guarantees all citizens the protection of their religious and cultural identity.
- The City of Erlangen is committed to the sustainable political and social participation of all migrants in the committees of the municipal umbrella organizations vis-à-vis the state and federal government.
Integration is one of the central goals of municipal politics in Erlangen. The peaceful coexistence of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds is a fundamental characteristic of our city.
Integration is considered a global objective, concerning each and every area of local administration. All city departments and municipal businesses draw on the principles of integration as a foundation for their work.
Active public relations is a crucial element of local integration policy.
The City of Erlangen is striving to hire a greater number of migrants in public administration and municipal businesses in order to serve as a role model for other employers. The ability to speak several languages and to have other intercultural skills are to be recognized as key qualifications for employment.
Within the framework of its financial means, the City of Erlangen supports integrative and intercultural initiatives proposed by various groups and associations.
Integration is based on an individual's circumstances not on ethnicity or nationality. The reciprocal process of integration involves all migrants whose homes are primarily based in Erlangen - regardless of how long they have lived here.
Migrants living in Erlangen benefit equally from all city programs and services. The commitment of the City of Erlangen to an open intercultural policy is mirrored in its strategies and measures. If necessary, services already in place are to be modified and enhanced in accordance with the requirements of the designated target group.
The City of Erlangen actively includes many societal groups in the integration process and fosters networking among them. Support is also provided to civic initiatives dealing with integration.
The City of Erlangen considers itself a mediator with regards to conflicts triggered by intercultural misunderstandings.
The City of Erlangen takes a decisive stand against any form of racism or discrimination. Within the framework of the law and individual rights, it guarantees every citizen the preservation of their religious and cultural identity.
In municipal associations, the City of Erlangen, in its dealings with state and federal administrations, advocates lasting political and social participation for all migrants.
"A city is made up of different kinds of people; equal people do not make a city."
There are currently 17.1 million people with a migrant background living in Germany, or 21% of the total population, of whom 11.5% have German citizenship and 9.5% have foreign citizenship. This means that the number reached a new high in 2015.[1]
Erlangen is seeing a similar trend: out of 112,023 residents, around 39,028 have a migration background, i.e. they are either foreign citizens, ethnic German repatriates, naturalized citizens or descendants of these groups born as Germans (as of 2016; source: City of Erlangen, Statistics and Urban Research).
The figures document that integration is more than ever one of the most important tasks that politics and society will have to tackle together in the coming years and decades. The 2016 Mayor Barometer conducted by the German Institute of Urban Affairs revealed that integration is still the biggest challenge facing German cities for mayors.
The topic of migration is often linked to demographic development. Experts believe that immigration can make an important contribution to securing social systems in the future and shaping demographic change. Many of the people coming to us are young, and many bring with them qualifications and the will to contribute in a diverse and lasting way. We should therefore use immigration as an opportunity to advance our city in the long term and strengthen social cohesion.
Cultural diversity and linguistic richness have always been an asset to urban societies. This shows that the successful integration of people with a migration background is primarily in the interest of the municipalities, because integration takes place where people live: in the cities and municipalities. The German Association of Cities, the umbrella organization of cities in Germany, wrote in 2016: "It is precisely in the cities that the potential that immigrants bring to our society and the opportunities that arise from this for the cities become clear."
Erlangen has been facing up to this challenge and responsibility for many years and is constantly questioning its own approach. This is why the city of Erlangen decided to draw up an integration mission statement back in 2006. It is intended to set out the fundamental direction and focus of Erlangen's integration work.
In July 2007, the Erlangen City Council unanimously adopted the integration mission statement, together with its implementation from 2008. Six working groups were formed for this purpose. The following topics were worked on under the leadership of one mentor each: Mission statement concept, linguistic integration and education, professional integration - business and work, social and cultural integration, political-participatory integration as well as urban planning, living environment, social space. A total of around 70 people worked on the project. Full-time employees, volunteers, members of all city council factions, interested citizens.
Extensive catalogs of measures were developed in the working groups. Some of these have already been implemented, while others serve as a pool of ideas for future projects.
The Integration Coordination Office was set up as part of this process. As an interdepartmental office, it supports the integration work and the implementation of the mission statement. The Integration Steering Committee has the task of steering the fundamental direction of integration policy.
The annual integration conference is intended to bring together all key players - external and internal. Integration monitoring is intended to observe the status and development of integration and to identify any need for action.
People with a migration background are a cultural enrichment to urban society. By contributing their individual skills, they contribute to the city's overall development into a new whole that is more than the mere sum of its parts.
The integration of people with a migration background who have found their home in Erlangen means a social process of mutual interaction throughout the city. It aims to actively promote and secure a peaceful and equal coexistence of all people instead of an unrelated coexistence. The aim is to give immigrants equal opportunities for articulation and participation in key areas of the city's society such as business, politics, housing, culture and leisure.
Integration is successful where immigrants feel accepted in society and feel that they belong to it, where they identify with society and take responsibility for it and feel comfortable and at home. Integration takes place over the long term and in different areas of society. In order to manage and shape it, an overall municipal approach is required that understands integration as a cross-sectional task for society as a whole and the city as a whole, as well as a mandatory municipal task: all considerations of municipal action therefore take the aspect of integration into account. Such an integration policy is not symptom-oriented and deficit-managing, but preventative, cause-related, supportive and demanding in the sense of developing people's potential. In this way, integration policy develops a society-wide culture of enlightened and positive interaction with diversity and difference.
Integration requires the municipality to create appropriate offers that enable people with a migration background to find their way independently in Erlangen's everyday life. Both people with a migration background and the host society must be willing to integrate and make use of these services by contributing their individual skills.
Integration affects all citizens of the host society and the immigrant community to varying degrees.
This process cannot be carried out by the municipality alone: it is rather a joint, civil society task.
Two things are important for Erlangen: integration must be lived and practiced. Integration is not only done for immigrants, but is to be achieved in a participatory process oriented towards understanding and dialog, above all with them.
Erlangen'sunderstanding of integration is
- future-oriented and visionary, in order to shape future social challenges with foresight,
- performance and advancement-oriented in order to open up social prospects for people with a migration background,
- emancipatory and not indifferent and patronizing, in order to develop people's potential,
- and aims at the individual co-responsibility of citizens in the social development of Erlangen society.
In 2016, the Federal Statistical Office revised its definition of "people with a migration background". This includes:
...immigrant and non-immigrant foreigners
...immigrant and non-immigrant naturalized citizens
... (late) repatriates
...descendants of these groups born as Germans
This explanation of terms is intended to provide a better understanding of the mission statement.
Intercultural competence describes the ability to communicate appropriately and successfully in a culturally foreign environment or with members of other cultures.
Intercultural competence includes communication, action and, in particular, conflict resolution skills that enable the (tolerant) handling of cultural diversity.
This means acquiring a wide range of knowledge, maintaining an overview even in confusing situations, observing people without immediately judging them, listening to them, taking their feelings and needs into consideration and communicating with one another sensitively.
Intercultural orientation aims to recognize the cultural diversity of an urban society. It aims to involve the various groups in the social shaping process and to create equal opportunities and reduce disadvantages in the fulfillment of tasks so that migrants can participate in social life on an equal footing.
Intercultural work is translation work in situations of cultural overlap with the aim of reducing intercultural misunderstandings and increasing opportunities for participation.
Acquiring and applying intercultural competence is an opportunity to raise awareness of what is common and what is one's own when looking at what is foreign or different.
The acquisition of intercultural competence is a lifelong task that does not end with a training course, but must always be oriented towards the requirements resulting from social reality.
In a process of intercultural opening of the administration, strategies are to be developed and implemented with which employees can acquire a wide range of skills in dealing with cultural diversity and learn to act in an integration-oriented manner.
The acquisition of intercultural competence is not only to be understood as an individual achievement of the individual employee, but intercultural competence means a process of organizational and personnel development for the entire city administration.
The associated fields of action include anchoring the understanding of interculturality as a cross-sectional approach, measures to increase the proportion of employees with a migration background and the intercultural training of employees, as well as the implementation of the overall concept of the integration mission statement.
"People are different. Everyone is different. Everyone has the same opportunities. Everyone has the same rights."
Definition of diversity in plain language
Diversity is normality in every society. It describes the existence of multiple identities and cultures within and between social groups and societies. This is based on the understanding that reducing people to individual aspects does not do justice to the individual.
This is why the city of Erlangen has decided to take a new and innovative approach. All dimensions of diversity should be recorded in one place. Consequently, the concepts of integration and gender equality were expanded into the concept of diversity.
The first steps towards diversity were taken with the 2011 Integration Conference and the signing of the Diversity Charter in 2012. Following further projects, such as the Xenos project for intercultural openness, the process was completed in 2015 with a city council resolution to establish the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. As a result, the tasks of equality, integration, inclusion, sexual orientation and the establishment of an anti-discrimination advisory service were brought together at a central location and a diversity unit was set up. Since then, these areas have been dealt with jointly.
The city is committed to recognizing diversity as a resource, reducing structural disadvantages and preventing discrimination. Diversity policy is to be integrated into all areas of the city's activities.
The city of Erlangen wants to create a coexistence that is characterized by equal opportunities and equal participation. All measures are reviewed to ensure that barriers that hinder or prevent equal participation can be identified and removed. Measures are developed that proactively contribute to the removal of barriers. This includes diversity and anti-discrimination advice, which provides individual assistance and conceptual support to promote diversity.
Read also
Integration offers of the adult education center (vhs)
The Erlangen Adult Education Center is the adult education institution of the city of Erlangen. People from different backgrounds and life situations learn together here.
Integration language courses of the DEB
The Deutsches Erwachsenen-Bildungswerk (DEB) and its subsidiaries are one of the largest educational institutions in Germany specializing in training and professional development in the health and social sector.
Language and integration courses
The Erlangen Adult Education Center offers language and integration courses for people from other countries.
Refugee and integration counseling
It offers advice and support for migrants in Erlangen. The focus is on promoting integration and providing guidance for new immigrants in our city.
Foreigners and Integration Advisory Board
Statutes of the City of Erlangen for the Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council dated 10.10.2007 in the version dated 27.06.2019
Integration offers of the adult education center (vhs)
The Erlangen Adult Education Center is the adult education institution of the city of Erlangen. People from different backgrounds and life situations learn together here.
Integration language courses of the DEB
The Deutsches Erwachsenen-Bildungswerk (DEB) and its subsidiaries are one of the largest educational institutions in Germany specializing in training and professional development in the health and social sector.
Language and integration courses
The Erlangen Adult Education Center offers language and integration courses for people from other countries.
Refugee and integration counseling
It offers advice and support for migrants in Erlangen. The focus is on promoting integration and providing guidance for new immigrants in our city.
Foreigners and Integration Advisory Board
Statutes of the City of Erlangen for the Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council dated 10.10.2007 in the version dated 27.06.2019
Integration Coordination Office
Additional individual appointments