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Closer to the people

Stand: 12.02.2025

Reorganization of the Department for Ageing and Generational Issues - a portrait.

Last year, the city undertook a comprehensive restructuring of the former "Senior Citizens' Office" and reorganized the Department for Ageing and Generational Issues. The aim is to change the perspective in order to open up the services to a broader target group.
target group. "Our focus remains on ensuring that senior citizens can participate in society according to their needs and lead a long, independent and self-determined life in their familiar surroundings. But younger people can also contact us if they are looking for advice on care, impairment or adapting their home," says department head Nadine Wacker. The services have been divided into two organizational areas: the "Advice in special life situations" area headed by Jessica Schönstein and the "Senior citizens' neighbourhood work" area headed by Alexander Pfeiffer.

A detailed report can be found in the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - February 2025 issue.

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Seniors' Advisory Council

The City of Erlangen's Senior Citizens' Advisory Council advises the City Council and the administration on all matters relating to senior citizens. It works on a voluntary, non-partisan, non-denominational and independent basis.

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Department for Ageing and Generational Issues


Nägelsbachstraße 38
91052 Erlangen
