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N-word outlawed by the city council

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Erlangen City Council decides that the use of the N*-word is explicitly recognized as racist.

Any racist and misanthropic statements made at City Council meetings will be regarded as disruptions to the orderly conduct of the meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure. Disciplinary measures may be imposed if they are used.

In addition, the City of Erlangen and its subsidiaries should avoid formulations in external communications that could be misunderstood or maliciously misanthropic. For example, "fare dodging".

The resolution raises awareness of the fact that, historically, the N* word was intended to dehumanize black people. The use of the word reinforces racist stereotypes, discrimination and violence. During the enslavement of black people, the word was used by the colonial powers as a tool to establish a racial distinction and thus consolidate oppressive structures.

Since 2015, the United Nations has been calling for the implementation of human rights for people of African descent. Erlangen implements these demands and recognizes in particular that the use of the N* word is racist and must be sanctioned.