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Sustainability; sustainable procurement in the city administration

Stand: 28.05.2024

Our aim is to procure products and services by consistently applying the criteria "sustainable" and "fair". The procurement process is aligned accordingly and constantly improved in terms of sustainability. In order to further develop the sustainable profile of the City of Erlangen for the future, the Sustainable Procurement department was created.

Our service / our goals

  • Creating awareness for sustainable purchasing of goods and services
  • Advice on standards, guidelines and norms for tenders
  • Support in the search for alternatives in the resource-saving procurement of goods
  • Advice for kindergartens, schools and subsidiaries
  • Active member of the "Fair Metropolitan Region of Northern Bavaria"

Our range of information

  • Sustainable procurement department
  • Sustainable procurement on the intranet (City of Erlangen employee portal) with up-to-date information, including for home use
  • Flyer "Ecological classroom"
  • Flyer "Fair school cone"