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Network Education for Environment and Sustainability in Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

On January 12, 2021, the Erlangen Network Education for the Environment and Sustainability was founded as a successor to the Environmental Education Round Table under the moderation and coordination of the City of Erlangen's Environmental Education Officer.

The network for Erlangen stakeholders in environmental education and global learning comprises 35 founding members. The following organizations are represented in the network so far:

Brucker Lache adventure playground, Acker, Arche Bauernhof, BildungEvangelisch, Bildungsbüro, Botanischer Garten, Bund Naturschutz, Climate Connect, Deutsch-Französisches Institut, DHB-Netzwerk Haushalt, Dritte Welt Laden, Fairlangen, Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie, Greenpeace, Jugendkunstschule, Klimaschaufenster, Kreisjugendring, Kulturpunkt Bruck, Landesbund für Vogelschutz, Landschaftspflegeverband Mittelfranken, Lesecafé, Nachhaltig Handeln, Naturschutzgemeinschaft, individual schools, Solawi, Stadtjugendring, Stadtwerke, Studierendenschaft, Teilerei, Umsonstladen, Umweltamt, Umweltstation Jugendfarm, Volkshochschule and independent educational advisors.

The network sees itself as an independent association that works on a voluntary, participatory and process-oriented basis, promotes multi-perspectivity and cooperation and is open to new members (registration with Janina Baumbauer, contact details in the service area under "Contact"). The network also acts as a forum for the Sustainability Advisory Board, which is represented by Markus Bassenhorst (VHS, sponsor) and Janina Baumbauer (Environmental Agency, contact person).

The aim of the network is to connect local education stakeholders with each other through regular exchange and to create synergies within the education landscape. Networking in the city triangle also expands the opportunities for learning from one another. At the same time, sustainable urban development is to be supported through a joint presence and bundled activities in the form of holistic and transformative educational offers.

Work is currently underway on a joint action program for urban society, the Klasse N catalog for schools with teacher training and teaching modules on various sustainability topics and a platform as a central point of contact for those interested in education for sustainable development (ESD). The network aims to raise awareness of extracurricular places of learning about sustainability for urban society and school groups. The main focus here is on the acquisition of design skills and an international perspective to help shape sustainable development.

As a pioneer of change, the network contributes to socio-ecological transformation with educational topics such as climate protection and biodiversity, globalization and digitalization, responsible consumption, cultural diversity and social justice. The guiding principle is the UNESCO ESD 2030 program. High-quality education, especially ESD (SDG 4.7), is seen as a prerequisite for achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and as an important driver for the 2030 Agenda.

Please contact Ms. Baumbauer for the dates of the network meetings.

Dept. of Environmental Education


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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