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Shenzhen (China)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The megacity on the Per River Delta has been linked to Erlangen by a regional partnership since 1997.

The regional partnership between the Central Franconian city axis of Nuremberg-Fürth-Erlangen-Schwabach and the districts of Nürnberger Land, Fürth, Erlangen-Höchstadt and Roth, which was established in 1997, has been in place with the city of Shenzhen for 25 years. Until 1979, Shenzhen was still a sleepy fishing village with 30,000 inhabitants, criss-crossed by countless rivers and streams. Following its designation as a special economic zone in 1980, the city in the south-east of the People's Republic of China on the border with Hong Kong developed into a modern metropolis with a population of around 20 million. Today, Shenzhen is one of China's "boomtowns" - one of the fastest growing cities in the world.

Today's cityscape is characterized by skyscrapers reminiscent of the Manhattan skyline. From the highest building, the 380-meter Diwang Tower, you have a breathtaking view of the city. However, there are hardly any relics of the "old" China left, even bicycles have long been frowned upon and are considered a sign of poverty. Six to eight-lane highways with gigantic flyovers characterize the cityscape. An ultra-modern, automated subway, equipped with switchgear by Siemens, transports streams of people every minute. But Shenzhen is not only making a name for itself with modern technologies, it is also increasingly making a name for itself as a tourist center: the newly created green spaces, leisure parks, golf courses, shopping malls and beaches are attracting more and more visitors to the region.

Shenzhen is considered China's high-tech center: around 35% of production now comes from high-tech companies, which are replacing former economic sectors such as the textile industry and mechanical engineering. The electronics and telecommunications industry is the mainstay of the local economy. The "China High-Tech Fair", a major annual technology trade fair, attracts exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world. For example, the Nuremberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Middle Franconia also takes part in the fair with a joint Bavarian stand. In addition, Shenzhen is increasingly becoming the financial center of southern China and, thanks to its flourishing market economy, is taking on the pioneering role that the city is expected to play in prosperous, up-and-coming China. There are also numerous universities, (technical) colleges and other educational institutions for the above-average young population.

Art, culture, music and exchange:
The regional partnership with Shenzhen was initially based primarily on the promising economic contacts, to which Erlangen in particular still contributes its expertise in the fields of medicine and health. However, the relationship also includes cooperation between universities and universities of applied sciences, professional exchanges between administrations, school exchanges organized from Nuremberg and a large number of meetings between citizens. Cultural exchange has therefore also played a major role for many years. Artists from the Nuremberg region and from Shenzhen regularly travel to the respective partner city or region to work and to organize exhibitions and concerts. In addition, numerous projects have been developed and implemented in joint cooperation with the Confucius Institute, which is based at the universities in Nuremberg and Erlangen. Exchanges in the fields of sport, education and youth are not neglected either thanks to the cooperation between various schools in the Nuremberg region and corresponding educational institutions in Shenzhen. Thanks to the continuous exchange, good, sometimes even cordial relationships have developed; the Chinese regard the people of the Nuremberg region not just as friends, but as "dear relatives".