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Minutes of the citizens' meeting Am Anger from 14.9.2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik welcomes the citizens present to the citizens' assembly "Am Anger" and then refers to the general, usual regulations.
Furthermore, the Lord Mayor welcomes the members of the City Council and the employees of the City Administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), the recommendations and concerns of the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the City Council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:06 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and motions.

1. construction site Paul-Gossen-Straße

How long will the current measure last? Will the footpath and cycle path on Äußere Brucker Straße between Paul-Gossen-Straße and Wichernstraße (Esso petrol station side) be renewed as part of the current construction project?

Head of the construction supervision office, Mr. Schenkl:
The construction site is scheduled for completion on 4.11.2022. Further information can be found on the website of the City of Erlangen(Current construction sites). The renewal of the footpath and cycle path will be implemented in the 2023 work program.

2. waste disposal

What measures does the City of Erlangen take against litter on public streets?

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Littering can be reported to the waste management department, stating the exact location (Tel. 09131 862002, e-mail abfallwirtschaft@stadt.erlangen.de).

3. missing garbage cans (with dog waste bag dispensers)

There are no garbage cans (with dog waste bag dispensers) in the Anger district.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council is examining at which locations in the Anger district the installation of further garbage cans (with dog waste bag dispensers) is necessary. Isarstraße was explicitly suggested by the citizens.

4. energy-saving measures (reduction of street lighting)

What energy-saving measures are planned for the Anger district?

Head of the building inspectorate, Mr. Schenkl:
In March 2022, the Building Committee / Works Committee for the drainage company decided under agenda item 18 to implement a dimming concept for new street lighting systems for the entire city of Erlangen.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
With regard to street lighting, the City of Erlangen must comply with safety regulations in relation to traffic.

5. landscape conservation area Regnitzgrund

The Regnitzgrund landscape conservation area suffers from constant noise pollution caused by partying citizens. Citizens also complain about the dumping of garbage. Furthermore, the signs put up are too small (A4 size).

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The Regnitzgrund is a local recreation area where citizens* are allowed to spend time. An agreement was reached with the nature conservation and safety watchdogs to inform, educate and raise awareness among citizens at the beginning of the summer next year.

Deputy chairman of the district advisory council, Mr. Nowak:
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council already submitted an application in this regard on 6.7.2021 (agenda item 6 "Concerns of the district advisory council").

Installation of traffic signs 254 (passage prohibited for bicycle traffic and small electric vehicles including e-scooters) on the access routes.
Creation of a usage regulation based on the "Ordinance on the Englischer Garten state park" or similar usage regulations for inner-city recreational areas.
Effective and regular checks by the police, security guards or public order office using existing ordinance laws (LStVG).
The application was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

6. connection Bayernstraße - substation

Is it possible to create a connection between Bayernstraße and the substation?

Head of the Building Supervisory Office, Mr. Schenkl:
The Office for Road and Traffic Planning will look into the issue as soon as possible.

Creation of a direct access road through the industrial estate from the start of Bayernstraße to the site of the transformer station.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

7. barrier-free crossings / school crossing safety

The crosswalks from Bayernstraße / am Anger to Pestalozzi School are not barrier-free and not very clear. Furthermore, the kerbs are not lowered.

Head of the building inspectorate, Mr. Schenkl:
An inspection by the road traffic planners* is currently not possible due to staff shortages.

Deputy chairman of the district advisory council, Mr. Nowak:
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council has already dealt with this topic at its meeting (agenda item 3 "Citizens' concerns") in April 2022.

All intersections in the Anger district are to be made barrier-free and provided with markings. The topic should be included in the 2023 work program of the relevant specialist departments and provided with the necessary budget funds.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

8. illegal parking

Bends are regularly parked on and parking offenders are not punished.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The City of Erlangen will pass the information on to the traffic control department and the police.

Illegal parkers should be punished under traffic law in the Anger area of the city.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

9 New parking space concept Am Anger

The citizens want a new parking concept on the Anger.

Deputy Chairman of the District Advisory Council, Mr. Nowak:
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council supports the idea of a new parking space concept.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The City of Erlangen must adhere to the current legal regulations in a new parking space concept. This will probably result in fewer parking spaces than before.

The City Council should look into a uniform overall concept for public parking in the Anger district, with the aim of reducing the amount of free public parking space and using the existing paid parking spaces.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

10. accessibility of Pestalozzi School

A citizen in an electric wheelchair cannot attend the meeting as the ramp is too steep for an electric wheelchair (30% incline).

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
A promise is made that full barrier-free access to the Pestalozzi School will be created.

Creation of full barrier-free access to Pestalozzi School by purchasing a ramp that can also be used by electric wheelchair users (30% incline is too steep for electric wheelchair users).
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

11. water pipe Michael-Vogel-Straße

What is the status of the burst water pipe in July 2018 in the area of Michael-Vogel-Str. 6c-d? According to employees, the pipe was to be replaced during the next major roadworks.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
There is no timetable yet for this construction measure.

12. crossing aid at the Michael-Vogel-Straße / Fließbachstraße junction

Due to the lack of visibility, it is considered necessary to install a crossing aid at the Michael-Vogel-Straße / Fließbachstraße junction.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
No crossing aid is currently being planned.

It is requested that a crossing aid be installed at the Michael-Vogel-Straße / Fließbachstraße junction.
The application was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

13. parking garage on the site of the old garage yard

What is the status of the planned GEWOBAU parking garage on the old garage yard?

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Many parts of the site have already been acquired by GEWOBAU. We are currently investigating and planning what can be realized on this site (also in view of the neighbors).

14. high-speed cycle path under railroad underpass / north side of central cemetery

The path is too narrow for pedestrians, especially those with limited mobility. Cyclists ride at high speeds and dangerous situations have often occurred. More cautionary measures are requested. Furthermore, it is asked why the pedestrian path has been reduced and the cycle path enlarged.

Head of the building inspectorate, Mr. Schenkl:
There has been no investigation into this from the traffic planning side.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The enlargement of the cycle path is part of the expansion of the cycle path network.

The traffic planning department should look into the issue and issue a statement.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

15. mobility points and charging facilities Am Anger

To date, there are neither charging facilities for electric cars nor mobility points such as car sharing. Suitable areas for this are the supermarket locations (Netto / Rewe) or the municipal parking spaces in Fließbachstraße / Isarstraße.

Head of the Building Supervisory Office, Mr. Schenkl:
A corresponding submission is planned for the Environment Transport and Planning Committee / Works Committee EB77 on 20.9.2022.

16. renovation of Pestalozzi School

According to resolutions, the Pestalozzi School is not to be renovated until after 2029. As the school is taking in even more children due to new buildings and refugees, refurbishment after 2029 is considered unacceptable. Furthermore, the current status of the youth social workers at the school is also queried.

Head of the building inspectorate, Mr. Schenkl:
The need to refurbish the Pestalozzi School was identified by the City Council in 2018. In a further resolution in 2022, this refurbishment was postponed until 2025. Earlier refurbishment is not possible due to staff shortages. Mobile container facilities are planned for 2023 to cover additional pupil numbers.

Councillor, Ms. Breun:
An additional half youth social worker position was decided by the city council for the Pestalozzi School. It was also decided that the playground at Pestalozzi School would be redesigned.

17. leisure activities and playgrounds

Additional leisure activities and playgrounds are requested.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Several new playgrounds will be created during the redensification in Isaarstrasse.

18th playgrounds (Pestalozzistraße and Saalestraße)

The (toddler) playground in Pestalozzistrasse is regularly littered (empty alcohol bottles, cigarette butts, etc.). Furthermore, the playground is regularly frequented by people who consume alcohol. The other playground in Saalestraße is in the blazing sun. It was asked whether the playground could be made more shady, e.g. with trees or an awning.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council has not yet dealt with the issue. It is proposed that a motion be passed.

It is requested that the cleanliness of the playgrounds in Anger, especially the playground in Pestalozzistraße, be ensured.
It was also requested that the playground in Saalestraße be made shadier.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

19. sidewalk Hertleinstrasse / Pestalozzistrasse

The sidewalks in Hertleinstrasse and Pestalozzistrasse are very difficult to walk on with a walking frame.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
An inspection is assured.

20. disturbance of the peace at Pestalozzi School

Residents of Pestalozzi School complain about the disturbance of the peace on Saturdays and Sundays. Young people gather on the Pestalozzi School lawn.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
An inspection is assured.

21. parking spaces in the Michael-Vogel-Straße cycle lane

It is asked whether the planned conversion of the Michael-Vogel-Straße cycle lane will provide additional parking spaces for residents. In addition, the question is asked why the bicycle lane was decided upon.

Deputy chairman of the district advisory council, Mr. Nowak:
The Anger/Bruck district advisory council has requested the submission of a concept/report for Michael-Vogel-Straße. This will be placed on the agenda for the next Anger/Bruck district advisory council meeting. A representative of the City of Erlangen and GEWOBAU will be present.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Michael-Vogel-Straße is currently being planned as a cycle lane. The city council has decided to introduce a cycle lane in Michael-Vogel-Straße, as it is predominantly used by cyclists.

22. missing trees in Johann-Jürgen-Straße

Seven trees have been removed from Johann-Jürgen-Straße 2-6. The citizens suggest that replacement planting be provided.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
If replacement planting is possible at this location, the City of Erlangen will also re-establish planting there.

It is requested that the felled trees in Johann-Jürgen-Straße 2-6 be replanted in a timely manner.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

23 Former student residence (Wichernstraße)

The former student hall of residence at Wichernstraße 18 has been empty for a year. What is planned for the building

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The City of Erlangen's intention is still to create living space for international students. However, the owner(s) of the building are private owners.

Head of the Building Supervisory Office, Mr. Schenkl:
Together with the owners* there were various plans for the building. A precise answer will be provided.

24. underpass Paul-Gossen-Straße / Wichernstraße

The underpass in Paul-Gossen-Straße / Wichernstraße is in a very poor condition.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The need for refurbishment of the aforementioned underpass is confirmed.

The Paul-Gossen-Straße / Wichernstraße underpass should be renovated as quickly as possible.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

25. renovation of the central cemetery bus stop

Why was the bus bay removed and the bus has to stop on the road?

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
This is not to obstruct public transport, but to ensure that people can get on and off safely in terms of accessibility (bus stop cape).

Mayor Dr. Florian Janik closes the citizens' assembly at 10:10 p.m. and thanks the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor's Office and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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