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Minutes of the Dechsendorf citizens' meeting on May 24, 2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik welcomes the citizens present to the "Dechsendorf" citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
Furthermore, the Lord Mayor welcomes the members of the City Council and the employees of the City Administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), the recommendations and concerns of the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the City Council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:06 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and requests.

1. disposal options (dog waste bags) Dechsendorfer Weiher

It is suggested that more disposal options for dog waste bags be created on the paths leading to the Dechsendorf pond (3-axis to the pond, extension at the kindergarten, Grünauweg, at Seebachgrund).

Personal assistant to the mayor, Ms. Reck:
There are already some disposal facilities at Dechsendorfer Weiher. Installing more garbage cans will not increase usage and will only generate more waste. So far, it has not been noticed that more garbage cans are needed. The locations mentioned will be checked.

2. weekly market Dechsendorfer Platz

The approval of a weekly market on Dechsendorfer Platz is requested.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
In the fall of 2021, a site visit has already taken place with the responsible offices of the City of Erlangen. In principle, there are no objections, but the issue is currently being examined in more detail.

3. 30 km/h zone on Naturbadstraße

Parts of Naturbadstraße have already been designated as a 30 km/h zone. The middle section is excluded from this. A 30 km/h zone is suggested for the entire area of Naturbadstraße.

Department for Planning and Building, Mr. Engel:
There is no legal requirement (e.g. hazardous situation) to extend the 30 km/h zone for the middle section of Naturbadstraße.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The city of Erlangen has already designated a 30 km/h zone in this area once before. However, this had to be revoked following a complaint to the legal supervisory authority, as the designation by the City of Erlangen was unlawful after a thorough examination.

4. meeting place Dechsendorfer Weiher

A beach volleyball court at Dechsendorfer Weiher (barbecue area) is desired.

Personal assistant to the mayor, Ms. Reck:
The Dechsendorfer Weiher has already been found to be suitable in principle for a new sports facility. If possible and after appropriate testing, this should be realized near the fitness trail. The authorities are currently coordinating whether and when the measure can be implemented.

A beach volleyball court is to be built at the Dechsendorfer Weiher (near the fitness trail).
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

5. fiber optic expansion in Dechsendorf

The expansion of the fiber optic connection / Internet connection in Dechsendorf was suggested by the citizens.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The expansion of the fiber optic network is not economical for Erlangen's municipal utilities, which is why fiber optic expansion cannot currently be implemented throughout the entire city area. However, there are to be broadband funding programs from the federal government again. In addition, the fiber optic network can only be expanded with cost sharing from residents. The expansion of the fiber optic network was also a topic at the Association of Cities and Towns, especially since the Free State of Bavaria has focused its funding on rural regions in recent years. The city of Erlangen and Erlanger Stadtwerke aim to provide all districts with fiber optic connections across the board over the next five years.

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Mr. Meißner:
Currently, Erlanger Stadtwerke lays fiber optic lines at the same time as major construction projects. There are various funding programs that can be applied for for the expansion of a fiber optic network, but these funding programs put metropolitan areas at a disadvantage. The city of Erlangen will apply for € 3.5 million for the Bavarian gray area funding for the whole of Erlangen. Nevertheless, the cost sharing of the citizens is required. Unfortunately, only around 30% of all citizens agree to contribute to the costs of fiber optic expansion. Regarding the current status in Dechsendorf, it is reported that the fiber optic cable for the supply of the whole of Dechsendorf has already been laid at the entrance to Dechsendorf. Dechsendorf has been divided into six areas, with one fiber optic distributor in each area. Three of these distributors have already been completed.

6. lack of affordable housing / building plots for families

Affordable housing is criticized, as is the sale of plots to large developers.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The City of Erlangen has no fundamental right of first refusal on the sale of private plots, this only applies to a small selection of plots. Furthermore, the city administration does not have the possibility to intervene in the free market economy.

7. local supply in Dechsendorf

Dechsendorf is very poorly supplied, which is why a local supermarket on Weisendorfer Strasse is desired.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
There are two plots of land at the entrance to the village (Weisendorfer Straße) that are suitable under planning law. There is currently no agreement with the owner.

8. traffic situation on Röttenbacher Straße

In the course of the expansion of the A3, Röttenbacher Straße is heavily used by heavy goods vehicles. Furthermore, the speed of traffic has increased. The footpath is also very narrow.

Department for Planning and Construction, Mr. Engel:
The issue has already been taken up by the local advisory council and is currently being processed by the administration. The administration's findings will then be discussed in one of the next UVPAs.

9 Weisendorfer Straße / junction with Heßdorfer Weg

The path to the Weisendorfer Straße traffic lights at the junction with Heßdorfer Weg is unprotected. When crossing the traffic lights on Weisendorfer Straße, pedestrians and cyclists are at risk from cars turning right.

Department for Planning and Building, Mr. Engel:
The design planning for this junction is currently being processed by the Civil Engineering Department. This is to be decided in the building committee in the fall. This also includes the problem of the left-turn lane and the marking of cyclists. The expansion of the traffic lights has been commissioned and implementation is planned for 2022.

Local advisory council, Mr. Trost:
The aforementioned traffic lights will be extended. The plan here is to install a (pre-)traffic light coming from the west, before the junction with Weisendorfer Straße, so that cars have to stop beforehand when the light is red, thus keeping the junction with Heßdorfer Weg free and protecting pedestrians.

10. 30 km/h zone in Röttenbacher Straße

A 30 km/h zone is desired in Röttenbacher Straße. It is also noted that the surface of the road is very outdated and therefore causes increased noise pollution.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
According to the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), the speed limit in urban areas is 50km/h. The designation of a 30 km/h zone may only be approved if the legal requirements (e.g. dangerous situations or a school, kindergarten or retirement home on the road) are met. Röttenbacher Straße does not meet any of these requirements and also has a supra-local connecting function.

Planning and Building Department, Mr. Engel:
With regard to the outdated surface of Röttenbacher Straße and the resulting noise pollution, a review and feedback is promised.

The designation of a 30 km/h zone is requested as soon as the legal situation permits.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

11. nursery and kindergarten places

Due to the development of new housing, there will not be sufficient nursery and kindergarten care in the foreseeable future.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
In principle, children up to the age of six have a legal entitlement to a kindergarten place, but this is not linked to the place of residence, but can be allocated anywhere in the city of Erlangen. A central kindergarten with free places in the district of Bruck was created to cover the lack of places in various districts or parts of the city. For Dechsendorf, there are currently plans to expand the municipal crèche and the independent provider by 12 additional crèche places each. There are currently no plans to expand the kindergarten area. However, the current lack of personnel resources in the crèche and kindergarten areas is also a major issue.

12. noise pollution at the Dechsendorf pond

Is it possible to create a quiet zone on the south side?

Personal assistant to the mayor, Ms. Reck:
A board has already been erected at this location prescribing behavior at Dechsendorfer Weiher. The designation of a quiet zone requires monitoring, which the City of Erlangen is unable to provide due to a lack of personnel resources. In the event of noise nuisance, please contact the police.

13. planned Dechsendorfer Weiher playground

The planned playground at Dechsendorfer Weiher (on the western shore between the pedal boat rental and the surf club) is not to be realized at this location. The municipal land parcel number 134/0 Gmkg. in Großdechdendorf appears to be a suitable location

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
With regard to the planned playground for school-age children, a resolution has already been passed by the city council on the recommendation of the local advisory council. The playground is to be built on the meadow after the pedal boat rental and before the sailing community. Planning is currently underway with the participation of children from the elementary school.

14. marking of the Weisendorfer Straße / Brühl cycle path

The cycle path at the Weisendorfer Straße / Brühl junction is not marked with a red surface. The white line marking the cycle path is disregarded by most motorists.

Planning and Building Department, Mr. Engel:
The marking of the cycle path with red surfacing is welcomed by the administration and is part of the traffic law order already mentioned (agenda item 8).

Mayor Dr. Florian Janik closes the citizens' assembly at 10:18 p.m. and thanks the citizens for the discussion and for their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor's Office and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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