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Minutes of the Tennenlohe citizens' meeting on November 10, 2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Mayor Jörg Volleth welcomes the citizens present to the "Tennenlohe" citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
Furthermore, the mayor welcomes the members of the city council and the employees of the city administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Mayor Jörg Volleth reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), recommendations and concerns from the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the city council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:05 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their requests and applications.

1. street cleaning Tennenlohe

In Böhmlach, garbage is regularly left on the streets and sometimes in residents' gardens. In addition, the yellow bags are placed on the street too early, they tear open and the garbage is spread all over the street. The question therefore arises as to why the municipal street cleaning service does not clean the paths in Tennenlohe.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
In the last survey, the residents* in Böhmlach decided against municipal street cleaning and the associated obligation to pay fees. This means that the residents themselves are responsible for cleaning the street and sidewalk on a weekly basis.

Chairman of the local council, Mr. Schowalter:
The bus routes (Saidelsteig, Lachnerstraße, Heuweg, Vogelherd) are connected to the municipal street cleaning service.

2. bus route and cycle path Tennnelohe - S-Bahn Eltersdorf

What is the current status of the bus connection from Tennenlohe to the S-Bahn stop in Eltersdorf? Are there any plans for a safe cycle path from Tennenlohe to Eltersdorf? It is proposed to build a continuous cycle path on the southern side. Furthermore, a quick implementation to improve the cycle path is requested.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The bus connection is currently being planned in connection with the design of the infrastructure in Eltersdorf. Feedback is assured regarding the continuous cycle path on the southern side. An examination for a quick implementation (independent of the Eltersdorf bypass) to improve the cycle path between Tennenlohe and Eltersdorf is promised.

Head of the Office for Building Management, Mr. Engel:
A redesign of the cycle path can only be tackled after the planning of the Eltersdorf bypass has been completed.

3. city-country railroad

What is the current status of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Design planning is currently underway. These plans are expected to enter the planning approval process in 2024. This will then be voted on again (referendum).

4. bus route 290

For a better connection, it is suggested that a bus stop with the name "Bruck Bahnhof" be built at the end of the footpath on Bunsenstraße and that this be indicated in the VGN connections. It is also asked whether the journeys on route 290 have been restricted.

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
With the construction of Bruck station, the "Bruck Bahnhof" stop was created. This was integrated into the VGN timetable and is announced on the display boards. The journeys on line 290 have not been restricted. The cancelled journeys are due to (sickness) absences.

5. permanent construction site on the Weinstraße B4 bridge

When will the permanent construction work on the bridge in connection with the traffic circle on the B4 be completed?

Head of the Office for Building Management, Mr. Engel:
This is a state construction measure. According to the latest newspaper report, the completion and thus also the dismantling of the traffic circle is planned for May 2023.

6. cycle path traffic signs

A "This path is not cleared and not gritted" traffic sign was recently erected on the cycle path along the B4. Why does nobody suddenly care about this path anymore?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
It is a cycle path belonging to the state building authority. A promise is made to approach the state building authority.

7 VGN ticket machine

There is no ticket machine in Tennenlohe. It is suggested that a ticket machine be installed in the shopping center (near the post box).

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
In spring 2023, a ticket machine will be installed on Saidelsteig (in front of the property at Lachnerstr. 45). Tickets can also be purchased in the former Brunner butcher's shop from March 2023.

8 Noise protection

How does the city of Erlangen support the municipality of Tennenlohe in its right to noise protection? Due to the new noise protection immission limits published in 2021, a request was made by the city council to inquire with the highway authority regarding noise protection (publication June 2021). What is the outcome of this request? Furthermore, it is asked whether a speed limit of 80km/h can be introduced due to the new noise immission limit on the A3 freeway.

Head of the Office for Building Management, Mr. Engel:
Regarding the request from the city council and the speed limit on the A3 highway, feedback is promised.

9. cycle traffic in Tennenlohe

All cycle paths, especially north-south, end at the entrance to the town. Are improvements planned here?

Chairman of the local advisory council, Mr. Schowalter:
In connection with the Stadt-Umland-Bahn, a supra-regional cycle path is planned along the route.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
An answer will be assured.

10. support for community PV systems

Some residents would be prepared to provide the currently greened roof areas of the row of garages as a location for a community PV system and contribute to the investment. Would the city / ESTW support this?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Last week, the "Climate Awakening Roadmap" was adopted by the city council. One of these measures strengthens and supports citizens in driving forward the community PV system project. It is recommended to maintain contact with the Erlangen municipal utilities and the environmental department of the city of Erlangen(energiefragen@stadt.erlangen.de, Tel. 09131 862935).

11. aircraft noise in Tennenlohe

Why was Tennenlohe included in the flight path area for passenger aircraft?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The City of Erlangen is not aware of any change to the flight path area for aircraft. Contact details of the government of Middle Franconia for complaints will be forwarded.

12. village pond

What is being done about the overgrowth of the village pond / extinguishing pond?

Chairman of the village council, Mr. Schowalter:
The village pond is home to the crayfish claw. The crayfish claw is a protected species and may not be removed. A groundwater well has been constructed to fill the pond, which can supply the pond with water during dry periods.

13. fiber optic connection Tennenlohe

When will a fiber optic connection be available for every household in Tennenlohe?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Currently, Erlanger Stadtwerke AG has no plans to expand the fiber optic network.

14. lack of space at the sports club (SV-Tennenlohe)

The SV Tennenlohe sports club needs more training grounds (e.g. a beach volleyball court) and indoor times.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
A beach volleyball court is not possible due to the Bannwald forest. With regard to indoor sports, the BBGZ will open next year with four indoor units. One year later, two more gyms can be offered for indoor sports at the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. In addition, a triple gymnasium will be built at the grammar school in Spardorf.

15 Noise protection at the Autohof

The noise from the motorway service area is extremely high. A noise barrier has already been erected in places, but not across the whole area, e.g. in the Winkelfeld area on the residential side. In addition, HGVs park on the hard shoulder in residential areas, in parking bans and in fire department access roads and this is not punished by the police.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The city of Erlangen is already aware of the problems at the autobahn station. The city of Erlangen regularly asks the police to react. An examination and feedback is promised as to whether a noise barrier can be erected in the area at Winkelfeld. Furthermore, a check is promised as to whether the verges in residential areas can be planted with trees to prevent trucks from parking there.

16. soiling of paths around the horse farm

Roads and paths in the vicinity of the horse farm are contaminated with horse manure. As part of the approval process for the horse farm, the farm has promised to ensure that the paths within a radius of 7 km are kept in good condition.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
A promise is made to approach the owner(s) of the riding stables.

17. traffic situation on Turmhügelweg

Cars park in Turmhügelweg in parking bans so that this obstructs the passage.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
A promise is made to pass the issue on to the police.

18. charging stations for electric cars

Where are public charging stations planned? Can charging stations be installed on lamp posts? The idea of a garage courtyard where e-cars can be supplied with electricity was also raised.

Head of the Office for Facility Management, Mr. Engel:
The charging stations for e-cars are operated by Erlanger Stadtwerke. Potential locations for charging stations for e-cars are currently being analyzed. The charging option in the street lighting area is not being pursued.

Chairman of the local advisory council, Mr. Schowalter:
The garage courtyard with power supply for e-cars is a private initiative.

After there were no more requests to speak, Mayor Volleth closed the citizens' assembly at 9:44 pm and thanked the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


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91052 Erlangen


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