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Student survey on career and study orientation measures

Stand: 20.01.2025

The transition from school to work poses a number of challenges for teenagers and young adults. They have to make a sensible choice from a wide range of possible careers that suits their personal wishes and abilities.

At the same time, the labor market, the technical requirements and the skills needed for professions are changing. Against this background, the Education Office, together with the City of Erlangen's Department of Statistics and Urban Research, conducted a student survey on the topic of "Career and study orientation measures in Erlangen" at secondary schools in Erlangen. The results should help to optimize individual career and study orientation measures in Erlangen and support schools in transferring and optimizing the results into their overall concept. The central research questions were:

  • How transparent is the careers and study orientation system for pupils?
  • How do pupils rate the career and study orientation measures in Erlangen and individual components thereof?
  • To what extent are there starting points for optimizing career and study orientation?
  • What kind of information about careers or courses of study do pupils need or want? Which channels should ideally be used to provide this information?

The report deals with the following topics:

1 The survey
1.1 Relevance
1.2 Objectives and research questions
1.3 Survey content
1.4 Target group, survey mode and time period
1.5 Realized sample
2 Results
2.1 Educational aspirations and plans after leaving school
2.2 Transparency/information about training and study opportunities
2.3 Awareness and evaluation of the VO measures
3 Conclusion and prospects
4 Appendices

You can download the complete report here.

Report on student survey on career and study orientation measures in Erlangen

Central results