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SEJ interns for the profession of educator

Stand: 21.06.2024

Stadtjugendamt - as of 01.09.2024 - limited until 31.08.2025 - working hours: 39 hrs/wk.

The youth welfare offices bear public responsibility for the successful upbringing of children and young people. The Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office is also a major provider of child daycare facilities. These include 13 play, primary school and youth learning centers (individual development support and educational support) as well as 15 municipal facilities with crèches, kindergartens, houses for children and after-school care centers. There are several positions for the socio-educational introductory year.

Your advantages:

  • Regular, professionally sound practical guidance from trained specialists
  • Varied and responsible work
  • Close link between theoretical knowledge and practical experience
  • Motivated and supportive colleagues
  • Remuneration in accordance with TVPöD
  • Discounted VGN ticket / company subscription and subsidy for local public transport
  • Company health management

Your tasks:

  • Joint development of the content of the training plan in close coordination with your professional goals
  • Responsible co-design of everyday pedagogical work
  • Regular guidance on pedagogical issues
  • Participation in meetings with parents and teachers
  • Intensive cooperation with the specialist academies

Your profile:

  • Creativity and a zest for ideas with regard to the design of educational programs
  • Skills in integrative work and in work to promote development
  • Basic conceptual understanding of participatory work in a team and with the children
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Ability to work independently and in a structured manner as well as the ability to innovate

Application deadline: 31.08.2024
Where: www.interamt.de or by e-mail to personalamt@stadt.erlangen.de
Job ID: 1013236
Further information: www.erlangen.de/karriere
Contact : Ms. Kother, Tel. 09131 86-2729 for the daycare facilities and Ms. Baumann, Tel. 09131 86-1861 for the play and learning rooms

We see diversity as an enrichment and are committed to equal opportunities. In principle, all positions are part-time. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified.