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Social education worker Counseling center for pregnancy issues

Stand: 21.06.2024

Stadtjugendamt, Abteilung Integrierte Beratungsstelle, Sachgebiet staatlich anerkannte Beratungsstelle für Schwangerschaftsfragen - at the earliest possible date - open-ended - job title: EG S 12 TVöD-SuE - working hours: 21 hrs./week.

Your benefits:

  • Future-proof employment with collectively agreed pay in EG S 12 TVöD-SuE, Christmas bonus, supplementary pension for employees covered by collective agreements, additional days off with pay
  • Family-friendly employer with flexible working hours, working time compensation, part-time and home office options
  • Strong team spirit, supervision, collegial advice, teamwork
  • Offer of company rental apartments, accessibility through VGN company subscription and additional subsidy for public transport
  • Desired contribution of talents, skills, ideas and promotion of personal and professional development through further training

Your tasks:

  • Psychosocial counseling for women and their families on all social, medical, legal and psychological issues relating to pregnancy, family planning, prenatal diagnostics, the desire to have children, postpartum crises and follow-up care
  • Mediation of social and financial assistance
  • Psychosocial counseling in pregnancy conflicts in accordance with Section 219 StGB and Sections 5 and 6 SchKG
  • Support and assistance for pregnant women during a confidential birth
  • Prevention in individual counseling and sex education offers with young people
  • Quality assurance and administrative work as well as public relations and supra-regional networking

Your profile:

  • Completed degree in social pedagogy (FH) or Bachelor's degree in social work with state recognition as a social pedagogue (please enclose proof)
  • Class B driving license (please enclose proof )
  • Initial counseling experience in psychosocial counseling with women and families as well as current knowledge of social legislation is desirable
  • Team-oriented and independent, proactive way of working
  • Willingness to adapt working hours flexibly to counseling needs
  • Good IT and MS Office skills and a willingness to familiarize yourself with specialist programs

Application deadline: 05.07.2024
Where: www.interamt.de or by e-mail to personalamt@stadt.erlangen.de
Job ID: 1150747
Further information: www.erlangen.de/karriere
Contact: Ms. Krönert, Tel. 09131 86-2295

We see diversity as an enrichment and are committed to equal opportunities. In principle, all positions are part-time. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified.