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Municipal integrative playroom Eggenreuther Weg 30

Stand: 28.05.2024

Age of the children cared for: 3 to 6 years Provider: City of Erlangen

Eggenreuther Weg 30
91058 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0) 9131 86-3530
Fax +49 (0) 9131 86-3531

Mail: spielstube.eggenreutherweg@stadt.erlangen.de

Spielstube Bruck is a day care center for up to 20 children of kindergarten age. Here, children with special developmental risks and increased support needs receive intensive support and encouragement, combined with close cooperation with their parents.

KiTa-Spielothekt - New games to borrow from the Eggenreuther Weg playroom

The Eggenreuther Weg playroom is one of the winners of the "KiTa-Spielothek" 2020 and thus receives a comprehensive toy package with scientifically tested products. The special thing about the "KiTa-Spielothek" is that the products are also to be lent to the children's families to play with together at home.

The "KiTa-Spielothek" initiative aims to playfully promote the development of kindergarten children and strengthen the play culture in families by lending the products to their homes.

Just like in a library, the children can borrow their favorite games from the "KiTa-Spielothek" and take them home to try them out together with their families. The teachers can recommend games that are particularly good at developing the children's skills. This creates a new form of educational partnership between teachers and parents and provides opportunities for discussions about the child's development.

Children learn while playing

The "KiTa-Spielothek" contains products that experienced educators and scientists from the ZNL Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning in Ulm have tested and approved for their developmental aspects. Play literally plays a central role in children's development. "Children don't differentiate between playing and learning, they learn by playing," explains Prof. Dr. Manfred Spitzer, founder and director of the ZNL. Playing together with parents and educators promotes linguistic, emotional and social development.
