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City history(ies)

Stand: 09.09.2024

A symbol of pride in craftsmanship: the parlor sign of the Erlangen comb makers of 1841.

Modell. Since the Middle Ages, most trades have been organized in guilds. Among other things, these regulated training and monitored the quality and prices of goods. Most guilds maintained their own meeting places, craft pubs and hostels, where traveling journeymen were accommodated. Guild signs attached to the buildings characterized the townscape. The interiors of the pubs were also often decorated with elaborately designed parlor signs that expressed the pride of the trade.

With the introduction of freedom of trade, the guild system finally disappeared in the course of the 19th century. Since then, many trade signs have found their way into the collection of the Erlangen City Museum.

The parlor sign of the Erlangen comb makers from 1841: the elaborately carved structure, inside which combs made of horn and ivory are displayed, resembles a temple of craftsmanship (Photo: André Widmann / Stadtmuseum Erlangen).

(From the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - September 2024 issue)

More about the city's history

Books from the city archive, open day.
Page, HuPflA, NS, National Socialism, Jews, Sanatorium and nursing home, History, Shlomo, Lewin, Poeschke, Frida

Historically interested & commemoration

Erlangen has a long history, with both positive and negative events.

City archive

Head of office: Dr. Andreas Jobst


Luitpoldstraße 47
91052 Erlangen


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