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Charging electricity at the street lamp: test passed

Stand: 24.07.2024

At the Heinrich-Kirchner-Straße test location, there were an average of 23 to 33 charging processes per month. New locations have been proposed.

The results of the temporary pilot project "Lantern Shop" in Heinrich-Kirchner-Straße in the Büchenbach district were reported at the City Council's Building and Works Committee on Tuesday.

What was it about?

Charging stations for electric cars are integrated into street lamps. The aim of the project was to

  • functionality
  • possible uses
  • economic efficiency

to test the functionality. To this end, Erlangen's public utility company installed a charging station for electric vehicles on a street lamp.

What is the result?

The evaluation of the data at the end of the pilot phase was positive:

  • an average of 23 to 33 charging processes were recorded each month. This proves the demand and acceptance
  • There have been no negative effects on street lighting
  • the pilot phase can be classified as successful.

The cost-effectiveness of the integrated charging station will be achieved after four years, provided no unforeseen costs arise.

What happens next?

Based on the positive results, the committee members approved the continued operation of the system. In addition, new locations for further charging stations on street lamps were proposed. These are now being prepared. They are located in the

  • Äußere Brucker/corner of Fließbachstraße
  • Ludwig-Erhard-Straße
  • Joseph-Will-Straße.

Learn more

A man in a wheelchair refueling his car.
e-mobility, Traffic, Mobility, Environment, Sustainability, eRoller, e-scooter, eScooter, e-Scooter, Charging stages, e-car, ESTW, Erlangen municipal utilities, eCar, Mobile points, Car sharing, Local traffic, Infrastructure, Business location, Climate protection, Environmental protection


On this page you can find out about the current status and offers for electric mobility in Erlangen. For example, charging stations, funding programs and current options such as Mobilpunkte or eScooters.

Civil engineering office

Head of office: Andreas Pfeil

The Civil Engineering Department of the City of Erlangen is responsible for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance and management of publicly dedicated traffic areas with the associated structures, other traffic facilities and traffic installations including lighting, traffic lights and other traffic infrastructure.


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91052 Erlangen


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Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday: 09:30 - 12:00