Wichtiger Hinweis
Childminder - a new job for me?
Stand: 28.01.2025
Childminders offer loving and reliable care for small children in a family setting. The Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office is looking for more childminders.
Do you have the time and energy to look after other people's children during your own family phase or would you like to fill your home with life again?
As a childminder, you accompany children in their development, support them individually and are a loving and reliable caregiver. You will also cooperate with the children's parents, the specialist childcare service and other childminders. The job offers you the opportunity to work independently in your own household. You can optimally combine family and work, organize your working day and determine your childcare hours.
Arrange an individual consultation with the specialist child day care service!
Telephone: 09131 86-1825
Qualification courses
To be allowed to work as a childminder, you must - depending on your previous professional experience - complete a childminding qualification course. These courses are offered regularly by the specialist child day care service.
A new course is planned from May 2025.
Keep up to date on Facebook and Instagram.
Are you looking for a childcare place with a childminder for your child or would you like to find out more about childcare in Erlangen?
More information on your questions about child day care in Erlangen, e.g. What does child day care offer? How do I find a childcare place with a childminder? What about substitute care? You can find this information HERE.
FAQs for day carers
- You like children and enjoy working with them
- You can offer working parents a reliable and long-term childcare service
- You have suitable, child-friendly and safe premises (with space for playing, sleeping and daily care)
- You have a sense of responsibility and organizational skills
- You are motivated to undertake further personal training on specialist topics and to develop a professional profile
- You are willing to work together with the specialist child day care service
- Your own family has a positive attitude towards your new job
- You have completed the qualification course to become a childminder
- You have sufficient German language skills (at least language level B2)
- Education, upbringing and care of small children, mainly aged 0 to 3 years
- Supporting the children in their individual development according to the guidelines of the Bavarian education and upbringing plan
- Care and feeding of the daycare children
- Cooperation with parents in the form of an educational partnership based on mutual respect and trust
- Participation in practical training groups
- Cooperation with the specialist child day care service
- Administrative and organizational preparation and follow-up
The work of a childminder is a self-employed, freelance activity. The amount of their income depends on the number of children in the childminder's care and the amount of time spent looking after them.
The City of Erlangen pays childminders a basic care allowance depending on their qualifications and, depending on their experience and level of training, a qualification supplement (up to EUR 5.50 per hour and child).
Furthermore, childminders are reimbursed for accident insurance contributions. Half of the contributions to appropriate pension, health and long-term care insurance are reimbursed.
Any person who looks after other people's children in their own home or rented premises on a long-term basis in return for payment requires a care permit. So yes, childminders need a care permit.
The prerequisite for the granting of a care permit is an aptitude test by the specialist child day care service.
The following criteria are checked through personal interviews, home visits and participation in the basic course:
- Personal suitability
- Professional suitability
- Suitability of the premises
- Good knowledge of the German language
You can find out all the details about the care permit in our qualification course.
Of course, as the specialist child day care service of the Youth Welfare Office, we are there to support you right from the start!
Among other things, we offer you
- Personal support and specialist advice on educational issues, but also in conflict situations
- Placement of daycare children
- Information on current regulations and legislation
- Qualification according to the DJI curriculum and competence-oriented handbook
- Monthly training events for childminders
- Substitute care for the daycare children when the childminder is absent
- Regular childminder-child playgroups
- Monthly payment of the current cash benefit at the beginning of the month by the youth welfare office
- Investment cost subsidies
The qualification takes place in two stages: A preparatory basic course and an in-service advanced course. There are also self-study units and an internship. At the end of each course, participants complete a written assignment in the form of a concept and receive a certificate of attendance.
The basic course comprises 85 teaching units (theory, work shadowing in a crèche and with a childminder, reflection and a term paper). The basic course
- provides information about the tasks, rights and duties of the childminder
- provides initial pedagogical knowledge
- serves as a decision-making aid with regard to the job
The advanced course comprises 215 teaching units (theory, self-study units, reflection and preparation of the concept). The advanced course
- delves deeper into the topics of development, upbringing and education of daycare children
- deals with the educational partnership and cooperation between childminders and parents
- deals intensively with the special working conditions as a childminder
We charge a small fee for participation in the qualification courses.
The basic course costs EUR 20.00.
The advanced course costs EUR 100.00.
Please contact the specialist child day care service:
Before registering for a course, we will clarify with you in a personal meeting whether working as a childminder is suitable for you in principle and answer your questions.
Our course concept thrives on the cheerful interaction between participants and course leaders and on the varied methods used to convey the sometimes difficult material in an entertaining and humorous way.
Child day care service
We offer day care for children up to the age of 3 by childminders.
You can enquire about a place with a childminder via the Kitafinder portal: kitafinder.erlangen.de. You can also contact day care by e-mail at kindertagespflege@stadt.erlangen.de or by telephone on + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1491.
More information on child day care
Are you interested in becoming a childminder yourself?
You can also arrange individual appointments.