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Social welfare office - Benefits for asylum seekers

Stand: 28.05.2024

If you have previously received benefits from the Erlangen Social Welfare Office in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act, you will receive a letter from the Social Assistance Department of the City of Erlangen. In this letter, you will be asked to complete a short application form and to submit the documents required for processing this application to the department of the City of Erlangen. Once the department has received your application with all documents, you will receive a notification from them.

Until we can process your application, you will continue to receive benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. Provision for you is guaranteed in any case.

If you have not received a letter, you can download the supplementary application here or under Forms.

Please note:

So that your application can be processed quickly, please note

  • that you complete all forms in Latin script,
  • that you answer all ☐ Yes ☐ No questions,
  • that you sign the forms
  • that you send the completed forms with all the required supporting documents to the Social Assistance Department either by post or via the e-mail address soziale-hilfen@stadt.erlangen.de.