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Video surveillance by companies and private individuals

Stand: 19.06.2024

The city of Erlangen is not always responsible for violations.

Video surveillance by non-public operators is often reported to the police or the city. This is a possible data protection violation that falls within the remit of the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision. Its task is to identify breaches and take remedial or sanctioning measures.

In an information leaflet, the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision provides information on the subject of video surveillance by companies and private individuals. The flyer shows the direct route. It is available on the Internet at



Complaints can also be submitted online at: www.lda.bayern.de/beschwerde.html.

For all questions relating to data protection concerning the city of Erlangen, further information is available online at www.erlangen.de/datenschutz.

All about data protection in the city of Erlangen

Page, Data protection, personal data, Data protection officer

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