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Be careful when barbecuing

Stand: 26.06.2024

Tips for your safety - for carefree social enjoyment outdoors for family and friends.

You should take particular care to minimize the risk of fire in the designated barbecue areas:

  • In particular, the barbecue must not be left unattended
  • Only approved barbecue lighters may be used to light the barbecue
  • The use of a fan should be avoided because of the flying sparks
  • The ashes must only be disposed of in the containers provided for this purpose

If necessary or possible, provide extinguishing agents.

Keep your distance and observe the fire and smoking ban

You should also be careful when barbecuing in private areas. It is particularly important to maintain a sufficient safety distance. This is

  • at least five meters from buildings and individual trees
  • at least 100 meters from forests.

Fires and smoking are generally prohibited in and around forests from March to October.

Do you see a forest fire? Please call 112 immediately and report the location!

Rest and relax

People having a barbecue in a leisure facility.
Page, barbecue, Barbecue, Nature, Leisure time, Clean city, Soccer, Soccer pitch, Playground, Children, Event, Firm, Volleyball, Basketball, Park, Green space, Parking garage

Barbecue areas & leisure facilities

With a number of public barbecue areas and leisure facilities, there are plenty of opportunities for leisure activities in the city. But one request: Always be considerate of your surroundings - avoid making noise and leave the facilities clean.

Children playing with a childminder in the playground.
Page, Nature, Leisure time, Clean city, Soccer, Soccer pitch, Playground, Children, Event, Firm, Volleyball, Basketball, Park, Green space, Parking garage, Playgrounds, Adventure playground

Playgrounds in Erlangen

With numerous public playgrounds and leisure facilities, there are many exciting opportunities for leisure activities in the Erlangen city area. But one request: Always be considerate of your surroundings and leave the facilities clean.

The Dechsendorf pond in the foreground, a kiosk in the background.

Dechsendorf pond

The Dechsendorfer Weiher recreation area is a popular destination for citizens of Erlangen and the surrounding area, especially in summer.