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Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Nürnberg gGmbH (VWA)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The VWA Nuremberg with its branches in Nuremberg, Ansbach, Bamberg, Coburg and Hof has been supporting young professionals from all sectors on their path to management for over 80 years - in the Business Administration (VWA) degree program and as part of the part-time Bachelor's degree program in cooperation with Hof University of Applied Sciences, which is unique in the region. Over 8,000 successful graduates have already taken advantage of this opportunity for career advancement.

Consulting topics and offers

  • Part-time degree courses
  • Business economist (VWA)
  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration
  • Bachelor's degree in Digital Administration (from summer 2019)
  • Further vocational training
  • Degrees
  • Degree course

Further information and contact: