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CO2 balance (2019)

Stand: 28.05.2024

For Erlangen, climate neutrality means not emitting more CO2 emissions in the future than are sequestered in carbon reservoirs. The city of Erlangen does not have much time left for this task, as it only has a residual CO2 budget of 3.4 megatons of CO2 at its disposal. If more CO2 is emitted in Erlangen, the city will miss the 1.5°C climate target.

As part of the study, it was therefore first determined how much CO2 was emitted by various consumer groups in Erlangen in recent years. In 2019, around 0.92 megatons of CO2 were emitted, 40% of which was attributable to the economy and 38% to transport. Private households caused 20% and municipal institutions only 2%. Overall, CO2 emissions fell by 5% in the period from 2015 to 2019. Since 1990, there has even been a decrease of 29%.

The right path seems to have been taken, but efforts must be increased at least tenfold. If CO2 emissions remain at such a high level, the remaining budget of 3.4 megatons will already be used up by 2024. The study states that Erlangen would have time to achieve climate neutrality by 2029 if it were to increase its annual CO2 reduction rate from 1.25% to 11.74%. An enormous challenge.

Erlangen must switch its energy supply to renewable energies in the shortest possible time in order to achieve the 1.5° target. This is because fossil fuels, natural gas and coal are the main sources of CO2 emissions. In a so-called "transformation calculation", the study shows ways in which the transition can succeed in the heating, electricity and transport sectors. Among other things, citizens should rely on heat pumps and solar thermal systems instead of heating oil systems. Virtually every building should be equipped with photovoltaic systems to produce its own green electricity. Distances should be covered on foot, by bike or local transport wherever possible. All private and public vehicles will have to do without fossil fuels in the future. This is a Herculean task that cannot be accomplished without using electricity and heat more sparingly. As an example, the study calculates that around 103 modern wind turbines and 343 hectares of ground-mounted photovoltaics would be needed to generate renewable electricity alone. This corresponds to an area the size of 480 soccer pitches.

With this study, the city of Erlangen has gained valuable insights for its path to climate neutrality and it represents an important decision-making basis for further action.