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Turning towards a climate-neutral heat supply

Stand: 28.05.2024

Municipal heat planning, energy utilization plan and energy consulting: important building blocks on the road to climate neutrality.

With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", Erlangen aims to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city as quickly as possible. 14 so-called "lighthouse measures" are characterized, among other things, by the fact that they promise a rapid and high reduction in climate-damaging gases. One of these is the transition to a climate-neutral heat supply in the city. Municipal heat planning is an important and necessary step in view of the climate crisis.

This strategic process aims to switch heat generation in Erlangen to renewable energies such as solar, wind, environmental heat (energy from the ground, water or air) or the use of unavoidable waste heat from industry, commerce and the service sector over the next few decades. The framework for this is provided by the law on heat planning and the decarbonization of heating networks. However, heat planning also includes other objectives, such as greater security of supply and independence from imports through the use of local renewable energies. Added to this is the creation of local added value and new jobs through investment in the local energy infrastructure. Saving energy and using renewable energies should also reduce energy costs for households and the public sector.

The first major step in this process is the creation of an energy utilization plan (ENP) with a focus on a municipal heating plan. "This is comparable to the land use plan in urban planning," emphasizes Ambrosius Ruch (photo left). The graduate engineer, who specializes in energy technology, has been the heat transition coordinator at the city's Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues since the end of August. As such, he is responsible for implementing the transformation process "municipal heat planning".

Energy utilization plan as early as 2024

As part of the ENP, the first step is to carry out an analysis of the current situation and potential. Among other things, it will look at how much heat is currently needed and how it is generated, what energy infrastructure is available and in which districts heat demand can be significantly reduced by renovating buildings to make them more energy efficient. Also in focus: the electricity sector. "The expansion of heat pumps and the charging infrastructure for e-mobility will increase the demand for electricity, as will local generation, for example through photovoltaics. The electricity grids will have to remain efficient for this in the future," emphasizes Ruch. While the Heat Planning Act stipulates that Erlangen must have drawn up its ENP by June 30, 2026 at the latest, this is to be completed as early as 2024 as part of Erlangen's "Climate Awakening Roadmap". "We are currently in the process of awarding contracts to develop the ENP in close cooperation with an independent specialist office," says Erlangen's heat transition coordinator.

"Once this plan is complete, we will know more specifically what can be done and where." Homeowners will then receive concrete information on whether their neighborhood is suitable for the construction or expansion of a heating network and whether they can decide to connect to it. Alternatively, they can choose between different decentralized heating types to meet the requirements of the Building Energy Act. "This provides planning security and reduces uncertainty," emphasizes Ruch. Concrete measures for achieving climate neutrality in the heating supply can only be derived from the results of the ENP in a second step: What long-term potential for renewable heat is there locally? How can existing heating networks be expanded to be fossil-free and in which districts can new green heating networks be established? At the same time, the heat transition coordinator also sees his task as networking, providing information, involving citizens and local stakeholders in the process and initiating new approaches as a city in the spirit of best practice: "One example is our municipal GEWOBAU with its 'Energiesprong' principle, which has attracted nationwide attention, an energy-efficient refurbishment using serially prefabricated façades that means less of a burden for tenants while saving energy, time and costs."

Free advice

While heat planning is a long-term process, energy consulting, which all citizens, institutions and entrepreneurs can use free of charge, offers direct and immediate support when it comes to reducing energy costs through energy-efficient building refurbishment. Energy consultant Sebastian Stößel (photo right) and his three colleagues not only provide free, but also independent advice on the topics of energy-efficient renovation of buildings, sustainable new construction, expansion of photovoltaic systems and information on (municipal) funding opportunities. -

"The initial consultation we offer is no substitute for detailed, fee-based energy advice, such as that provided by external energy consultants," says Stößel. "But it does provide important guidance. This gives those receiving advice a good basis for discussions with energy efficiency consultants or heating engineers."

Schilder zur Wärmeplanung.

Whether Stößel or Ruch, both have set out to help achieve climate neutrality in the city as quickly as possible. Both are helping to shape the heating transition as a central component of the energy transition on a daily basis. With their work, both are ensuring that Erlangen can once again play a pioneering role when it comes to climate protection. Both have a plea: "The administration cannot manage the path to a climate-neutral heat supply alone. It requires the commitment of the entire urban community."

Three questions about energy consulting

Sebastian Stößel, energy consultant at the city's Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues since September 2022, answers them.

How does the energy consultation work?

SebastianStößel: "Our free and independent advice takes place in approximately one-hour appointments at the Environmental Protection Office (Schuhstraße 40) or by telephone. It is necessary to make an appointment by email (energiefragen@stadt.erlangen.de). We discuss the energy-related weak points in the building, what options are available, what needs to be considered in the possible measures and whether they make sense at all. With our advice, we ultimately ensure that the homeowners are already informed and have a basic knowledge when they go to talk to energy efficiency consultants or heating engineers."

How wide is the range of consultations?

Sebastian Stößel: "In addition to questions about the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings - and sustainable new builds - the consultations often also cover photovoltaic systems. It is important to think carefully about future requirements when it comes to dimensioning the PV system. For example, it plays a role whether you are planning to purchase an electric vehicle or convert the heating to a heat pump. We also process applications for the municipal subsidy program for PV systems, insulation measures or the installation of heat pumps. When applying for subsidies, it is important that the application is always submitted first before anything is commissioned."

What appeals to you about working as an energy consultant?

Sebastian Stößel: "As an architecture graduate, I know a lot about building physics and construction. For example, I know exactly where there can be problems with thermal bridges. It gives me great pleasure to be able to apply this expertise every day in my consultations for the benefit of our citizens. It allows me to make a concrete contribution to climate protection."

Text, interview and photos: Michael Kniess

(From the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - January 2024 issue)

Read more about Climate Awakening

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.