Wichtiger Hinweis
Housing agency
Stand: 25.02.2025
You can apply for social housing or EOF apartments within the city limits at the housing agency of the city of Erlangen.
You can apply to the housing agency of the city of Erlangen for so-called social housing or EOF level 1 apartments within the city area.
The application form (see below) can also be used for level 2 and 3 EOF apartments if the main residence is in Erlangen and the application is for apartments in the city area of Erlangen. Apartment seekers who do not not in Erlangen and whose income (see below, income limits and calculation examples) means that they are probably in EK 2 or 3, please contact their home municipality and have a so-called "general certificate of eligibility for housing" (WBS) issued and can use this to apply directly to landlords for suitable apartments.
An application is required for this (see below). The application is processed and the income level is determined.
There are 3 income levels.
Applicants in level 1 are nominated via the housing agency, i.e. they are first placed on a waiting list and then proposed to a landlord for a specific vacant apartment after a waiting period and urgency. According to the legal provisions, several applicants are proposed at the same time.
The person who receives the apartment receives a notification of appointment (subject to a fee of 20 euros).
Erlangen apartment seekers in levels 2 and 3 receive a certificate of eligibility for housing and can use this to apply directly to the landlords who advertise these apartments on the Internet.
This varies greatly and depends on how flexible the desired apartment is - the more flexible (especially with regard to the future residential area), the quicker you will be able to find an apartment. There are generally long waiting times for large apartments (for example, apartments with 4 and 5 rooms).
A prerequisite for all types of housing is that (regardless of income) there must be only limited assets and no usable residential property. Foreign nationals must have a residence permit for at least one year.
The application is valid for one year - as is the general WBS for apartments in income levels 2 and 3. The application for apartments in income level 1 is free of charge, the WBS costs 20 euros.
This can also be obtained with the housing application form, but only if your main residence is in Erlangen. Otherwise, it can be obtained from the respective home municipality (or the local district office) in Bavaria. The income level is irrelevant here.
Note: A housing entitlement certificate of level 1 issued by another municipality is not valid in Erlangen.
If you have general questions, you can contact the Social Welfare Office, Housing Department at wohnungswesen@stadt.erlangen.de.
If you have any questions about housing, you can fill out our contact form, send an e-mail to wohnungsvermittlung@stadt.erlangen.de or call 09131 86 3100.
Table Gross annual income approval period 1.5.2018 - 1.9.2023.
Income limits for the above period:
Table of income limits for apartments built in the years 1.5.2018 - 1.9.23.
The income limits for earlier construction years differ slightly from these figures.
The tables are only a rough guide! If you have any questions, please contact the two email addresses or the telephone number 09131-86 3100, we will be happy to help you.
Housing application
Housing agency
Outside of regular opening hours, individual appointments can also be arranged on site. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.