Further and advanced training; applying for promotion funding

Participants in advanced vocational training measures (e.g. to become a master craftsman, technician, business administrator or educator) can receive financial support regardless of their age.

Stand: 29.11.2023. Link zum BayernPortal

Online procedure

Upgrading BAföG online

This service helps you to enter your application data and checks it for completeness and plausibility. If you have an ID card with activated electronic proof of identity, you can send the forms and the attached documents electronically to the competent authority.

AFBG Digital

AFBG Digital allows you to easily create, edit and send your AFBG application electronically via the internet browser on your PC or tablet. You must log in with your BundID.

Editorially responsible: Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (see BayernPortal)

Personnel and Organization Office

Head of office: Marcus Redel


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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