Information blocking, transmission blocking; application for registration
You can have your data blocked in the registration register by the registration authority (information block). In certain cases, you can object to the transfer of your registration data (transfer block).
Stand: 29.11.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Transmission blocks
You can use this online application to request transmission blocks.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Information block
If there are facts that justify the assumption that the provision of information from the register of residents could endanger you or another person, e.g. your relatives (e.g. danger to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection), your registration data will be blocked accordingly (information block). Similar interests worthy of protection are, in particular, the protection of the person concerned or another person from threats, insults and unauthorized stalking. When determining whether the above-mentioned facts exist, the registration authority must also take into account whether you or the other person belong to a group of people who are generally exposed to increased hostility or other attacks due to their professional or voluntary activities. However, membership of a particular professional group alone is not sufficient for the entry of an information block.
Before the information block is set up, your details will be checked by the registration authority. If this check shows that the above-mentioned requirements are met, an information block will be noted in the population register, which applies to all types of population register information.
If you have several residences, all other responsible registration authorities will also be informed about the information block and will enter it. The registration authority of the last previous home will also enter the information block.
Information blocks are always valid for the protective purpose that was decisive for the entry. If, after hearing the person concerned, the registration authority comes to the conclusion that the purpose of the information block is not affected by the information and that other interests of the person concerned worthy of protection are also safeguarded, the information can be provided.
The information block is valid for a limited period of two years and can be extended upon request. You will be informed by the registration authority in good time before the information block expires.
Blocking of data transfer
- Transfer block to public religious organizations (§ 42 para. 3 sentence 2 BMG)
The Federal Registration Act stipulates that, in addition to the data of their members, some basic data of family members of members who do not belong to the same or any public religious society may also be transmitted to public religious societies. The family member concerned - not the member himself - can request the establishment of a transfer block. However, this transfer block does not apply if data is transferred for the purposes of the tax collection law of the respective public religious organizations.
- Information to parties, voter groups and other supporters of election proposals (Section 50 (1) and (5) BMG)
The registration authority may provide parties, voter groups and other supporters of election proposals with information about data on groups of eligible voters in the six months prior to an election or vote at state or municipal level. Only age is decisive for the composition of the groups. The birthdays of eligible voters may not be disclosed. Information is provided on names, addresses and doctoral degrees. The recipient must delete the data no later than one month after the election or vote. This information may only be provided if you have not objected.
- Information on age and marriage anniversaries (Section 50 (2) and (5) BMG, Section 21 MeldDV)
Information may be provided to elected officials, the press and radio about residents' anniversaries of marriage and retirement. The information may only include the necessary data (surname, first names, doctor's degree, address) as well as the date and type of anniversary. Furthermore, the registration authorities may transmit data on age and marriage anniversaries to the Federal Office of Administration and the District Office for congratulations from the Federal President or the District Administrator. The AKDB transmits data on age and marriage anniversaries to the State Finance Office for congratulations from the Prime Minister. You can object to this information or data transfer.
- Information to address book publishers (§ 50 para. 3 and 5 BMG) The Federal Registration Act allows information to be provided to address book publishers about the first and last names, doctor's degree and addresses of residents who have reached the age of 18. The data provided may only be used for the publication of address books (address directories in book form). You can object to this provision of information.
- Data transfers to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management (§ 36 para. 2 BMG in conjunction with § 58 c para. 1 Soldiers Act)
To enable the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management to provide information on voluntary military service, the registration authorities transmit information on persons with German citizenship who will come of age in the coming year (surname, first name and current address) by March 31 each year. If you do not wish to receive information from the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management, you can object to the transfer of data.
The respective transfer block will be entered by your registration authority upon request. The transfer block will only be entered at the municipality where you have objected to the data transfer. If you have several residences and want to exclude data transmission for all residences, you must object to data transmission in all municipalities in which you have your main or secondary residence.
Transmission blocks are valid for an unlimited period of time.
In order to register an information block, you must submit an application to the registration authority and substantiate facts that could endanger you or other persons.
A simple application, which does not have to be substantiated, is sufficient for the entry of one or more information blocks.
You must provide credible reasons to the registration authority for an information block. This can be based on facts that demonstrate a credible threat to you or other persons. If you have several residences, the relevant registration authorities will be informed of the information block.
A simple application, which does not have to be substantiated, is sufficient for the entry of one or more information blocks.
- In the case of information blocking: if applicable, documents that can support the information you have provided.
Informal application (with signature)
Reporting system
You can carry out registration matters digitally at the Citizens' Service or on site on the first floor of the town hall. For example, you can apply for a certificate of good conduct, official certification or information from the population register.
Telephone availability:
Monday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00 a.m.