Sports and shooting club; application for funding for sports operations
The Free State of Bavaria supports sports activities in sports and shooting clubs in the form of a club lump sum. Applications for the grants must be submitted to the responsible district administrative authority by March 1 of the funding year at the latest.
Stand: 26.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for a club allowance
You can use this online application to apply for the association lump sum.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
The club lump sum is intended to provide financial support to sports and shooting clubs to help them cope with the wide range of tasks associated with the organization of sports activities.
It is granted for a financial year and can be used for personnel (e.g. employment of coaches and trainers) and material expenses (e.g. management of the necessary rooms and areas, equipping with sports or maintenance equipment) in accordance with its intended purpose.
The amount of the club lump sum is based on the funding units allocated to the respective club for the funding year. The value of a funding unit is determined on the basis of the budget funds available for granting the club lump sum in the funding year and the total number of eligible funding units applied for in the funding year.
The number of funding units per club is determined by the number of its members as well as the number of coach and trainer licenses to be used in the funding year.
The members are weighted as follows:
- Members under 27 years of age tenfold and
- all other members are weighted once.
Members with disabilities can also be weighted tenfold under certain conditions.
Trainer and instructor licenses are eligible if they are included in the list published annually by the State Ministry and are to be used in the club during the funding year. In the calculation, the licenses are weighted according to the point values resulting from the license list. The number of licenses that can be claimed per club is limited.
Eligible applicants are non-profit sports and shooting clubs based in Bavaria that are members of a recognized umbrella association and meet certain minimum requirements in terms of their financial and treasury situation and youth work and achieve a minimum number of 500 funding units.
The application for the grant of the association lump sum must be submitted to the district administrative authorities and must be received there in full with all details and attachments by March 1 of the funding year at the latest (cut-off deadline). The value of a funding unit is determined on the basis of all eligible funding units applied for and the budget funds available in the funding year. The district administrative authorities calculate the amount of the association lump sum in the funding year from the number of eligible funding units for the association and the value of the funding unit and pays this to the association.
The deadline for the submission of applications for the grant of the association lump sum is March 1 of a funding year. This is a cut-off deadline. Applications received after this date can no longer be considered.
- Declaration on the sharing of licenses (see under "Forms")
- Online application for club lump sum
Guidelines on the granting of subsidies by the Free State of Bavaria for the promotion of organized sport (Sports Promotion Guidelines - SportFöR)
Office for Sport and Health Promotion
Head of office: Ulrich Klement