Residential property in areas with tourist functions; application for permission to establish or divide a property
Tourist communities may stipulate by statute that the establishment or division of residential property is subject to approval.
Stand: 14.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Municipalities that are predominantly characterized by tourism as a whole or at least in part can stipulate in a development plan or other bylaws that the establishment or division of residential property or partial ownership (Section 1 of the German Residential Property Act - WEG), the establishment of a heritable building right and a permanent residential right, the establishment of fractional ownership, regulations in accordance with Section 1010 (1) BGB in the case of existing fractional ownership or use as an ancillary dwelling are subject to approval. The purpose of such a regulation is to maintain the tourist function of the municipality. Section 22 of the Building Code (BauGB) contains more detailed regulations on this.
The building permit authority decides on the approval in agreement with the municipality. Approval may only be refused if the legal transaction covered by the approval requirement impairs the purpose of the area for tourism and thus the urban development and order.
The approval requires an application to the responsible building approval authority.
§ Section 22 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
Building inspectorate
Head of office: Mathias Schenkl
In order to ensure that all matters can be dealt with effectively and quickly, personal appointments and consultations are only possible by prior arrangement. We are available by telephone during our opening hours.