Aid benefits; application by municipal officials
Online procedure
BeihilfeService app for Apple users
With this online application, you can apply for benefits via your Apple smartphone or tablet.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
BeihilfeService app for Android users
With this online application, you can apply for benefits via your Android smartphone or tablet.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this saves you having to go to the authorities.
Civil servants are not subject to compulsory membership of the statutory health insurance scheme. Instead, they receive a proportionate reimbursement (allowance) from their employer for the costs of illness, nursing care, childbirth and preventive healthcare.
Further information can be provided by the district office or the municipality.
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Civil servants are not subject to compulsory membership of the statutory health insurance scheme. Instead, they receive a pro rata reimbursement (allowance) of costs in cases of illness, nursing care and childbirth and for preventive healthcare from their employer.
The details are governed by Art. 96 of the Bavarian Civil Service Act (BayBG) and the Bavarian Aid Ordinance (BayBhV).
- Application with accompanying documents such as invoices (doctors, dentists, medical aids, etc.) and prescriptions (medicines, medical treatment, etc.)
Lang- bzw. Kurzantrag (siehe oben)
- Rechnungen von Ärzten, Zahnärzten, Kranken-häusern, usw.
- Rezepte und Rechnungen über Hilfsmittel
Bitte geben Sie in allen Papieranträgen und Schreiben immer Ihre Beihilfe-Nummer an.
Sie finden diese auf jedem Beihilfeantrag rechts oben. Beihilfeunterlagen werden gemäß Art. 110 Abs. 2 Bayer. Beamtengesetz grundsätzlich nicht zurückgegeben. Reichen Sie deshalb bitte nur deutlich lesbare Kopien oder Duplikate ein. Kopieren Sie nötigenfalls auch die Rückseite. Kopieren Sie nicht mehrere Belege auf ein Blatt. Heften Sie die Belege nicht zusammen.
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Electronic application (see aid service app)
Your employer must be registered for the electronic procedure.
Please ask your HR department or the BeihilfeCenter Erlangen whether you are already registered and can submit an application using the app.
After registering your employer, you can download the Beihilfe-Service-App from the Google Play Store or the iOS AppStore. You can find more information and instructions in the download package under "Related links".
Please note: Applications by e-mail are not possible!
Paper application (by post)
You can also submit the aid application by post, provided you enclose the relevant supporting documents in paper form using the application form.
When selecting the form, please differentiate between the long application (initial application, change of personal data, e.g. marital status, assessment rate or accident) and the short application (subsequent application without data changes or accident).
Application forms can be found under "Forms".
Please send the paper application to our scanning center:
City of Erlangen
Aid Center
81534 Munich
Important note: Please only send aid applications and related documents to the scanning center!
Please send other correspondence such as inquiries, treatment and cost plans, applications for psychotherapy, etc. exclusively to the following PO box:
City of Erlangen
Aid Center
91051 Erlangen
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
The following are entitled to benefits
- Civil servants
- retired civil servants
- widowed persons
- orphans
- Employees for the duration of their employment relationship established before January 1, 2001,
if and as long as remuneration is paid or is not paid only due to the application of suspension or crediting regulations.
During parental leave, an entitlement to benefits continues to exist (Art. 96 Para. 1 BayBG).
During family leave, there is an independent entitlement to health care benefits under certain conditions (see Art. 89 BayBG). The scope of the benefits is also governed by the Bavarian Allowances Ordinance.
Eligible dependents are
- Spouses and civil partners within the meaning of the German Civil Partnership Act (LPartG). The expenses of spouses or life partners are not eligible if the total amount of income of spouses or life partners within the meaning of Section 2 (3) of the Income Tax Act (EStG) exceeded EUR 20,000 in the second calendar year before the application for benefits was submitted.
- Children who are eligible for the family allowance in accordance with the Bavarian Salaries Act. Children are included in the family allowance if they are entitled to child benefit. If both parents are employed in the public sector and are entitled to the allowance, the parent who receives the child-related portion of the family allowance receives the allowance. The beneficiaries can reach a joint agreement to the contrary, unless the federal or state aid law provides for a fixed allocation.
- Since 1 January 2017, children who have an independent entitlement to benefits as civil servants on revocation in the preparatory service are not included in the group of eligible dependents if one of their parents is also a civil servant.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Aid is only granted if it is applied for within three years of the expenses being incurred (e.g. purchase of a medicine) or the invoice being issued (e.g. by a doctor or dentist). Due to a transitional regulation, this new three-year application period only applies to expenses incurred and invoiced from January 1, 2020. For expenses incurred up to December 31, 2019, the application period of one year continues to apply. The date of receipt by the scanning center in Munich is decisive.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. We will process your application as quickly as possible. Please refrain from asking about the processing status. You will help us to shorten the processing time if you
- submit your expenses with a manageable number of receipts
- do not fold, staple or clip the receipts individually,
- ensure that copies are clearly legible and
- do not copy several invoices (including prescriptions/prescriptions) onto one sheet.
Aid Center
Within the framework of inter-municipal cooperation, the BeihilfeCenter Erlangen is responsible for those entitled to benefits from the cities of Ansbach, Erlangen, Nuremberg and Weiden, the districts of Erlangen-Höchstadt, Kelheim and Nürnberger Land as well as for those entitled to benefits from several municipal companies.