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Employee training course for career changers

Employees (f/m/d) for general administration who are career changers taking part in the Employee Training Course I with corresponding examination

Do you want to actively shape your personal future as well as the future of the city of Erlangen?

If you have an interest in public tasks and a special sense of responsibility towards our society, if legal and administrative issues arouse your curiosity, if you enjoy dealing with economic contexts, but if dealing with people is also important to you, then you can start an interesting and varied future with in-service training as an administrative specialist.
The City of Erlangen offers career changers from the following professional fields

- Legal assistant,
- notary clerk,
- tax clerk,
- insurance clerk or
- bank clerk

the opportunity to take the first examination in accordance with No. 7 Para. 2 of the Basic Classification Regulations (Preliminary Remarks) of Annex 1 - Remuneration Regulations (VKA) to the TVöD as part of an in-service training course for employees I at the Bavarian School of Administration (BVS).
Even during the completion of the employee training course, you can expect a varied and challenging field of activity in the entire range of tasks of the Erlangen city administration. You will be deployed in one of the numerous departments and get to know many of the exciting challenges facing the administration of Bavaria's smallest city. Areas of work include, for example, the Citizens' Office, the Social Welfare Office, the City Treasurer's Office, the Mayor's Office, the Press Office and many more. Depending on the area of work, as a clerk you will deal with the concerns of our citizens, provide advisory services in direct/indirect customer contact, work on legal matters, process payment transactions or prepare decisions.
As an administrative specialist at the City of Erlangen, you will be working in an attractive and varied profession - in and for Erlangen. The qualification offers employment prospects from pay group 6 to pay group EG 9a TVöD.

FAQ's employee training course

Contact us

Human Resources Development Department


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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