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Electronics technician for operating technology

Do you want to actively shape both your personal future and the future of the city of Erlangen?

If you have a knack for working with electronic components, are interested in electrical circuits and circuit diagrams or programming and configuring systems and have perhaps already gained some experience in this field, then the profession of electronics technician for industrial engineering is just right for you.

The profession of electronics technician for industrial engineering combines the tasks of a mechanic, electronics technician, computer scientist and plumber. In the drainage company of the city of Erlangen, you will perform important public tasks and work actively for the citizens.

As an electronics technician for operating technology, you will install, commission and maintain systems and equipment for energy supply technology, measurement and control technology, communication technology, signaling technology, as well as drive and lighting technology. In addition to the classic field of energy and power engineering, electronics technicians for operating technology also work in the field of automation, process control and building systems technology.

During your training, you will also be familiarized with various other areas, such as sensor technology, control technology, drive technology or the documentation of your work processes. You will support your colleagues in programming, configuring and testing the systems and safety equipment. If a fault or error message occurs in a system, you will look for the cause of the problem. You will then take immediate action, analyze the causes and rectify the fault.

During your training, you will gain a comprehensive insight into all areas of the profession and you will find that your tasks are very varied and diverse both during and after your training. As a qualified specialist, you can also expect various in-depth training courses that will further qualify you for your work as an electronics technician for industrial engineering. In addition to medium-voltage training, which entitles you to work on systems with higher voltages and special sensor courses, this also includes the so-called shaft entry course or the forklift driver's license.

An attractive, challenging and varied job awaits you. - For me. For us. For Erlangen.

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FAQ's Apprenticeship - Electronics technician for industrial engineering

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Human Resources Development Department - Training Team


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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