Employees renovating a playground.

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Gardener - specializing in gardening and landscaping

Do you want to actively shape both your personal future and the future of the city of Erlangen?

Do you enjoy being out in the fresh air, have an appreciation for nature and want to make an active contribution to climate protection? Then we have just the right apprenticeship for you. As a gardener specializing in gardening and landscaping, you will be out and about in the city every day, setting up landscaping construction sites, carrying out earthworks, constructing outdoor structures, paving areas and working on and with plants. In the course of your training, you will take on more and more extensive tasks, which will enable you to work as an independent specialist at the end of your training.

An attractive, challenging and varied profession awaits you. - For me. For us. For Erlangen.

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Human Resources Development Department - Training Team


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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