City library employee giving advice on books.

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Specialist for media and information services - specialization library

Do you want to actively shape both your personal future and the future of the city of Erlangen?

Are you interested in working with people, books and other media as well as databases? Then training as a specialist in media and information services is just right for you!

As a media and information services specialist, you will work in the library of the city of Erlangen. You will perform important public tasks and work actively for the citizens of our city. Your training in the city library is varied and diverse, brings you closer to people and challenges your creativity. You will learn how to procure, acquire and process media and how to catalog them. Your research work will help the city's citizens to find information. You will also advise readers on media selection. You will also be involved in public relations and event work during your training. You will use the various social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the library's blog, create content for them and maintain contact with readers. You will gain a comprehensive insight into all areas of the job profile during your training and you will find that your tasks are very varied both during and after your training.

An attractive, challenging and varied profession awaits you. - For me. For us. For Erlangen.

You can find more exciting information about training and the work of our city library in the Erlangen City Library blog!

Apply now!

FAQ's Training - FaMI

Contact us

Human Resources Development Department - Training Team


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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