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Project South

All projects in the southern district

Shape Erlangen

Siemens Campus / Siemens Stadtquartier Süd

In the south of Erlangen, a new, lively district is being created on the former Siemens research site. The area will be home to modern office buildings, spacious green and open spaces, restaurants, shops and services, as well as housing.
Shape Erlangen

Social cohesion "Erlangen-Southeast"

With the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) for the south-east of Erlangen, the city of Erlangen wants to actively meet the challenges in the district. The aim is to improve social cohesion and the integration of all population groups.

Contact us

Office for Citizen Participation and Volunteering


Hauptstraße 48
91054 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

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