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Help & safety at the Bergkirchweih

Frau und Mädchen die sich anschauen, Sicherer Ort für Frauen und Mädchen

Emergency number 0157 32 43 92 54

during the Erlangen Bergkirchweih

available daily from 17.00 - 24.00 hours

From 2015 to 2019, the "Rettungsinsel" (life raft) was available at the Erlanger Bergkirchweih in cooperation with the Frauenennotruf Erlangen e.V.

Since 2022, there has been a central contact point, the Safe Space for Women* and Girls*.

A place for girls* and women* when:

- they are insecure or tired.

- they need a break or have lost their group.

- they need to organize a safe way home.

If violence or sexualized violence has occurred, competent contact persons are on hand to provide assistance if required.

The Safe Space is a contact point for everyone. Also for people who are professionally or in any way involved with the Erlangen Bergkirchweih. From visitors and showmen to security staff and toilet service personnel.

You will find the Safe Space in the new parish hall of the Altstädter Kirchengemeinde at Bayreuther Straße 11. The Safe Space is run by the Frauenennotruf Erlangen e.V. and trained volunteers. Mobile teams at the festival site will draw attention to the contact point.

We want the Bergkirchweih to be fun for girls* and women* and for them to return home safely and unharmed after the Berg.

All important information about Safe Space

Contact us

For organizational questions:

E-mail: milena.krueger@stadt.erlangen.de

Telephone: +(49) 09131 86 -1624

For content-related or technical questions:

Erlanger Frauennotruf e.V.

Telephone: +(49) 09131 2097 20