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Advice and support if your baby cries a lot

Stand: 11.03.2025

Here you will find a list of regional advice centers for parents of cry babies.

Your baby is here!

You are suddenly faced with unexpected challenges and feel burdened....

Are you worried as a parent because your baby is crying a lot?

You can find advice and support from the following regional advice centers.

Early help coordination center

AddressWerner-von-Siemens-Straße 61, 91052 Erlangen
Telephone number09131 86-3040
Services offered
  • Integrative parent-infant-toddler counseling for regulatory disorders such as increased crying, sleeping problems, feeding difficulties
  • Video-supported developmental psychology counseling (0-3 years)

For whom?For families living in the city of Erlangen
QualificationSocial pedagogues with additional qualifications in integrative parent-infant-toddler counseling and video-assisted developmental psychological counseling

Early support and counseling from Lebenshilfe Erlangen

addressStandort Mitte: Drausnickstraße 14, 91052 Erlangen-Röthelheimpark
Standort Süd: Goerdelerstraße 21, 91058 Erlangen-Bruck
Standort West: Rudeltplatz 4, 91056 Erlangen Büchenbach
Telephone numberCentral location: 09131 50 66 930
South location: 09131 92 07 160
Location West: 09131 61 03 902
Services offered
  • Counseling as part of the open counseling service and, if necessary, subsequent initial diagnostics
  • Longer-term support possible if the child is admitted to early intervention. This requires the approval of the pediatrician.
For whom?For families from the city of Erlangen
QualificationPsychologists and social and remedial educators with various further training courses, e.g. developmental psychology counseling (EPB)

Educational, youth and family counseling of the Caritas Association of the Erlangen-Höchstadt district

AddressAnna-Herrmann-Straße 3, 91074 Herzogenaurach
Telephone09132 8088
Services offered
  • Developmental psychology counseling
  • Video-supported counseling for parents with children aged 0-3 years who show conspicuous behavior, e.g. frequent, persistent crying, problems with feeding or eating, sleeping difficulties, separation anxiety, interaction problems

For whom?

For families living in the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt

QualificationSabine Lafrenz, qualified psychologist, developmental psychology consultant

Interdisciplinary Early Intervention and Counseling Center (IFS) - Lebenshilfe Erlangen-HöchstadtLebenshilfe Erlangen-Höchstadt

AddressEinsteinstraße 26, 91074 Herzogenaurach
Telephone09132 7810-20
Services offered
  • Counseling for babies and toddlers with regulatory disorders such as insatiable crying, difficulties falling asleep and sleeping through the night and problems with feeding
For whom?For families living in the western district of Erlangen-Höchstadt
QualificationQualified psychologist and pedagogical staff with many years of experience in the Interdisciplinary Early Intervention and Counseling Center and extensive additional qualifications for this special counseling service

Counseling center for parents of babies and toddlers with regulatory disorders - Lebenshilfe Erlangen e.V. Location East

addressEschenauer Hauptstraße 18, 90542 Eckental
Telephone number09126 27 49 999
Services offered
  • Counseling for parents of babies with so-called regulation disorders, such as excessive crying, feeding disorders, sleep problems, strong outbursts of anger, extreme clinging and separation anxiety, great restlessness
  • Consultations can also take place in the home environment.
For whom?For all parents who live in the eastern district of Erlangen-Höchstadt (Eckental, Kalchreuth, Heroldsberg, Baiersdorf, Bubenreuth, Möhrendorf, Marloffstein, Spardorf, Uttenreuth and Buckenhof) and have children under the age of 3.
QualificationPsychologist, social pedagogue, speech therapist and a physiotherapist - all with many years of professional experience in early intervention and various further training courses such as developmental psychology counseling

Crying outpatient clinic at the Kinderanalytisches Institut Nürnberg (KIP e.V.)

Our addressRieterstraße 6, 90419 Nürnberg
Telephone number0911 40 08 659
WebCrying baby and crying baby outpatient clinic
What we offer
  • In our outpatient crying clinic, we try to relieve the baby and its parents, uncover and understand the causes together and develop solutions.
  • The scope and intensity of our services are tailored to your needs. Diagnostics, developmental counseling, brief crisis interventions are just as possible as longer psychotherapeutic support (parent-infant/toddler psychotherapy).
  • If possible, both parents and their baby come to the first consultation, which takes place in the rooms of the Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents KIP or in the psychotherapeutic practice of the psychotherapist providing the consultation.
  • A consultation with the pediatrician should have taken place beforehand.
For whom?
For families in the region
The team at the baby outpatient clinic is made up of experienced child and adult psychotherapists with additional training in infant-parent-infant psychotherapy (SKEPT).