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Interns for the profession of educator

Stand: 24.02.2025

Stadtjugendamt - temporary from 01.09.2025 - 31.08.2026 - working hours: 39 hrs./week.

Your advantages:

  • Regular, professionally sound practical guidance from trained specialists
  • Varied and responsible work
  • Close link between theoretical specialist knowledge and practical testing
  • Motivated and supportive colleagues
  • Remuneration in accordance with TVPöD
  • Discounted VGN ticket/company subscription and subsidy for local public transport
  • Company health management

Your tasks:

  • Joint development of the content of the training plan in close coordination with your professional goals
  • Responsible co-design of everyday pedagogical work
  • Regular guidance on pedagogical issues
  • Participation in parent and teacher meetings
  • Intensive cooperation with the specialist academies

Your profile:

  • Creativity and a zest for ideas with regard to the design of educational programs
  • Skills in integrative work and in work to promote development
  • Basic conceptual understanding of participatory work in a team and with the children
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Ability to work independently and in a structured manner as well as the ability to innovate

Application deadline: 31.08.2025
Where: Apply here!
Reference number: *_000163
Further information: erlangen.de/career
Contact: Ms. Oßwald, Tel. 0160 98517560
Want to know more: Here you can find a video!

We see diversity as an enrichment and are committed to equal opportunities. In principle, all positions are part-time. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified.