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Earthquake: Entry and exit regulations

Stand: 28.05.2024

Information and tips from our Immigration Office on extending your visitor's visa and inviting family members to Erlangen.

Following the earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border region, citizens who have relatives or acquaintances in the earthquake region are asking for easier entry rules. According to the Aliens Department, there are currently no statements from the federal and state governments. According to the department, this means that Turkish or Syrian nationals will require a visa to enter Germany until further notice. This usually has to be applied for at the diplomatic mission in the respective countries. The Federal Foreign Office has compiled answers to frequently asked questions, such as how to bring Turkish or Syrian relatives to Germany or who to contact if you cannot reach your relatives, on a website.

Information and tips from our Foreigners' Registration Office

More on the topic

A destroyed house.

Appeal for donations for earthquake relief

According to estimates, 23 million people are affected in the Turkey-Syria border region.