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Results of the EU election and the referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn

Stand: 20.06.2024

Who did the people of Erlangen vote for in the EU elections? How did they decide in the referendum? You can find the results here.

EU election results

Around 78,000 people were eligible to vote in Erlangen.

Click here for the election results

Results of the referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn

Around 83,000 people were called to vote.

Click here for the voting results

Why were there different numbers of people entitled to vote and those entitled to vote?

This is due to the different legal bases.

  • For the first time, all German citizens over the age of 16 can vote in the elections to the European Parliament. Citizens of the other member states of the European Union (EU citizens), on the other hand, had to register on the electoral roll by May 19. This is to prevent double voting, as they are generally allowed to vote in their home country.
  • Citizens are only entitled to vote in the referendum once they have reached the age of 18. EU citizens are registered on the electoral roll without applying.

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Train travels through the countryside.

Referendum on urban-urban rail

Answers to important questions.

Envelope with election notification
Page, Statistics, Data, Elections, Results, Election results, Choice, Local elections

Elections & decisions

At a glance: The results of all elections in Erlangen since 1946 and of municipal referendums since 1998