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Determination of a disability

Stand: 28.05.2024

Information on the determination of the degree of disability (GdB) and decision on other health characteristics (markings) for claiming compensation for disadvantages.


Bavarian Center for Family and Social Affairs - Regional Office Middle Franconia
Bärenschanzstraße 8a
90429 Nuremberg
Tel. (09 11) 9 28 - 0
Fax (09 11) 9 28 1901
E-mail: poststelle.mfr@zbfs.bayern.de
Internet: www.zbfs.bayern.de


  • Determination of the degree of disability (GdB) and decision on other health characteristics (markings) for claiming compensation for disadvantages
  • Issuing and changing severely disabled ID cards
  • Stamp for local public transport
  • Advice on the application process and compensation for disadvantages
  • Brochures on the rights of severely disabled people
  • Granting of allowance for the blind

Application forms can be requested by telephone or ordered online: www.schwerbehindertenantrag.bayern.de

Legal basis

Disability is determined in accordance with the Versorgungsmedizin-Verordnung (VersMedV). The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) has published a brochure with the contents of this regulation. It can be ordered at: https://www.bmas.de/DE/Soziales/Versorgungsmedizin/Anhaltspunkte-fuer-aerztliche-Gutachtertaetigkeit/anhaltspunkte-fuer-aerztliche-gutachtertaetigkeit-art.html