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House for children Stintzingstr. 1

Stand: 28.05.2024

The integrative house for children Stintzing 1 opened its doors on March 4.

The integrative house for children Stintzing 1 opened its doors on March 4.

From now on, 32 playroom and 32 learning room children will be cared for in newly equipped, spacious rooms in Stintzingstraße 1. The rooms and the playground in the inner courtyard are being enthusiastically used by the children and the educational team led by Isabel Klein and Sarah Stang. Routes to school and home are practiced and initial contacts are made in the district.

This house for children closes a care gap in the Rathenau district, both in early childhood education in the playroom and in primary school childcare in the learning room.

Children and families with special needs will find a good place for development and education here.


Municipal House for Children Stintzing 1