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Climate success indicators - making progress measurable

Stand: 28.05.2024

The partners of the Climate Neutral Erlangen Alliance have committed to working on selected measures of the Climate Awakening via the Climate City Contract. A standardized monitoring system with climate success indicators will show how well they are progressing. In future, trends will be visible here.

Credibility can only be conveyed to the outside world if measures are implemented in one's own organization and progress and setbacks are measurable. Organizations active in the Alliance have publicly committed to climate action measures in their contributions to the Urban Climate Contract and are implementing them independently.

In order to make progress in the transformation process towards a climate-neutral economy measurable according to uniform criteria and to identify trends in good time, the city of Erlangen has set up a monitoring system with five central climate success indicators.

The 5 climate success indicators at a glance

  • Installed photovoltaic output
  • Heating and cooling demand
  • Electricity demand
  • Expansion of the charging infrastructure
  • Measures for climate-friendly mobility
Click here for the online form

Every year, organizations of the Climate Neutral Erlangen Alliance provide corresponding figures and information, which will be published on this page in the future.

All organizations that have made a contribution to the Climate City Contract and participate in the annual climate success indicators will become partners of the Climate Neutral Erlangen Alliance. They receive a certificate and recognition at the networking meetings. The certificates are valid for one year.

Requirements for participation in the climate success indicators

Any organization that regularly participates in the networking meetings of the Climate Neutral Erlangen Alliance can take part.

The previous year's data must be submitted by September 30th of each year using this online form.

The provision of success indicators is voluntary.